Tuesday, November 29, 2016

अली सरदार जाफ़री

आज उर्दू के अज़ीम- ओ- शान शाइर अली सरदार जाफ़री की जयंती है । अपने शुरुआती दौर में जोश मलीहाबादी,फ़िराक़ गोरखपुरी और जिगर मुरादाबादी जैसे चोटी के शायरों से प्रभावित अली सरदार जाफ़री ने अपनी उर्दू शाइरी में भाषा का एक अलग मुहावरा गढ़ा और अपने लिए एक ऊंचा मुकाम हासिल किया । अपनी तेज़ तर्रार तहरीरों के सबब अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी से निकाले गए व बी.ए. की पढ़ाई दिल्ली के एक कॉलेज में दाखिला ले कर मुकम्मल की.उसके बाद एम.ए. में दाखिला लिया पर राजनीतिक गतिविधियों में भाग लेने के परिणाम स्वरूप पढ़ाई पूरी न हो सकी। इस बीच, 1940 और 1941 में दो बार जेल भी गए। वो प्रगतिशील लेखक संघ के संस्थापक- सदस्यों में से एक थे. उनकी शाइरी में इंकलाब, कौमी यक्जहदी, और साम्प्रदायिक सद्भाव प्रचुर मात्र में मिलता है और वो गंगा जमनी तहजीब के पैरोकार के रूप में सामने आते हैं। कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के सक्रिय सदस्य रह चुकने के कारण कमजोर और शोषित वर्गों के प्रति उनकी सहानुभूति सहज ही उनकी शाइरी में पढ़ने को मिलती है। उनने ‘धरती के लाल’ व ‘परदेसी’ फिल्मों के लिए गीत लिखे व कुछ वृत्त चित्रों का भी निर्माण किया ।उनकी साहित्यिक यात्रा 1938 में छापे उनके कहानी संग्रह ‘मंज़िल’ से हुई। परंतु बाद में शाइरी का रुख किया और ग़ज़ल, नज़्म और शेर कहने शुरू किए। उनका पहला शाइरी संग्रह 1944 में ‘परवाज़’ नाम से प्रकाशित हुआ। उनकी शाइरी के अनेक संग्रह प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं
अली सरदार जाफ़री का शुमार एशिया उपमहाद्वीप के चोटी के उर्दू शायरों में होता है। उनका रुतबा फिराक गोरखपुरी,फ़ैज़ अहमद फ़ैज़, शकील बदायूँनी, कैफ़ी आज़मी और जांनिसार अख्तर के समकक्ष बैठता है।
फ़िराक़ गोरखपुरी और कुर्रातुलैन हैदर के बाद ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार से सम्मानित होने वाले वो तीसरे उर्दू साहित्यकार हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त उन्हें पद्मश्री समेत अनेकों सम्मानों से नवाजा जा चुका है। जिस अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम युनिवर्सिटी से उन्हें निकाला गया था , बाद में उसी नें उन्हें डी.लिट्ट . की मानद उपाधि प्रदान की।
एक बानगी:
“सिर्फ़ लहरा के रह गया आँचल
रंग बन कर बिखर गया कोई
गर्दिश-ए-ख़ूं रगों में तेज़ हुई
दिल को छूकर गुज़र गया कोई
फूल से खिल गये तसव्वुर में
दामन-ए-शौक़ भर गया कोई"
“आवारा हैं गलियों में मैं और मेरी तनहाई
जाएँ तो कहाँ जाएँ हर मोड़ पे रुसवाई
ये फूल से चहरे हैं हँसते हुए गुलदस्ते
कोई भी नहीं अपना बेगाने हैं सब रस्ते
राहें हैं तमाशाई रही भी तमाशाई
मैं और मेरी तन्हाई
अरमान सुलगते हैं सीने में चिता जैसे
कातिल नज़र आती है दुनिया की हवा जैसे
रोटी है मेरे दिल पर बजती हुई शहनाई
मैं और मेरी तन्हाई”
आकाश के माथे पर तारों का चरागाँ है
पहलू में मगर मेरे जख्मों का गुलिस्तां
है आंखों से लहू टपका दामन में बहार आई
मैं और मेरी तन्हाई
हर रंग में ये दुनिया सौ रंग दिखाती है
रोकर कभी हंसती है हंस कर कभी गाती है
ये प्यार की बाहें हैं या मौत की अंगडाई
मैं और मेरी तन्हाई”
इस अज़ीम शाइर को हमारी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !

Friday, November 25, 2016

सुरिन्दर कौर

अपनी जादू भरी आवाज़ से पंजाबी लोकगायन और संगीत को शिखर पर पहुँचाने वाली महान गायिका सुरिन्दर कौर की आज जयंती है। स्वतन्त्रता पूर्व लाहौर रेडियो स्टेशन से अपनी संगीत यात्रा आरंभ करने वाली सुरिन्दर कौर ने न केवल पंजाबी संगीत को घर घर पहुंचाया, बल्कि, शुरुआती दौर में हिन्दी फिल्मों के लिए भी कुछ गीत गाये जो अत्यंत लोकप्रिय हुए। ऐसे ही गीतों में उनका एक गीत 'बदनाम न हो जाए मुहब्बत का फसाना , ओ दर्द भरे आँसुओ आँखों में न आना' आज भी शौक से सुना जाता है। इसके अतिरिक्त ‘तक़दीर की आँधी हम कहाँ और तुम कहाँ’ और ‘आना है तो आ जाओ’ भी उनके लोकप्रिय हिन्दी फिल्म गीत हैं।
मुख्य रूप से उन्हें पंजाबी गीतों के लिए जाना जाता है । कुछ गीत उनने अपनी बहन प्रकाश कौर के साथ भी गाये। ‘ लट्ठे दी चादर उत्ते सलेटी रंग माहिया’,’ अजे न वसीं ओए न वस बदला, अजे न वस ओए कालेया’, ‘ जूती कसूरी, पैरीं न पूरी’, ‘ काला डोरिया कुंडे नाल अड़ेयाइ ओए, के छोटा देवरा भाभी नाल लड़ेयाइ ओए’, ‘चन्न कित्थाँ गुजारी आयी रात वे’ , ‘गोरी दियाँ झांझरां’ शोहरत की बुलंदी पर हैं। दो हज़ार से भी अधिक गीतों को अपनी आवाज़ से सजाने वाली सुरिन्दर कौर ने आसा सिंह मस्ताना, हरचरन ग्रेवाल, दीदार संधु और करनैल गिल के साथ भी कई यादगार गीत गाये । उनकी एक बेटी डॉली गुलेरिया भी जानी मानी पंजाबी गायिका है।
सुरिन्दर कौर को पद्मश्री और संगीत नाटक अकादमी पुरस्कार से भी सम्मानित किया गया था। गुरु नानक विश्वविद्यालय ने उन्हें मानद डॉक्टरेट की उपाधि से भी सम्मानित किया था।
पंजाब की कोकिला के नाम से विख्यात इस महान गायिका को हमारी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !

Sitara Devi

Today is the death anniversary of Sitara Devi , an eminent Kathak proponent.She was named Dhanalaksmi by her parents.Rabindranath Tagore, when he her perform was so impressed that he called her Nritya Samragyi and Sitara Devi was only sixteen then.She had the distinction of performing at Royal Albert Hall, London and at the Carnegie Hall, New York.She also gave dance performances in films like Usha Haran, Roti,Nagina and last but not the least Mother India.
She was a recipient of Sangeet Natak Academy Award, Padma Shri, Kalidas Samman and Nritya Nipuna. 
She refused to accept the Padma Bhushan as she felt that her contribution to Kathak was not being fully recognized.
Our humble tributes to the great danseuse !

Thursday, November 24, 2016

परवीन शाकिर

वो तो खुशबू है हवाओं में बिखर जाएगा
मसला फूल का है फूल किधर जाएगा .....
मशहूर उर्दू शायरा परवीन शाकिर की आज जयन्ती है .
विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !

Amol Palekar

Today is the birthday of Amol Palekar, the acclaimed actor and director of Hindi and Marathi cinema.No larger than life image of a film hero haunts him.
He is most remembered for his memorable roles in Rajnigandha,Chhoti Si Baat,Chitchor, Gharaunda, Naram Garam and Gol Mal.Has directed some TV serials also.
Our best wishes !

Tun Tun

Today is the death anniversary of Tun Tun , the Bollywood singer and a comedienne . Born Uma Devi Khatri or simply Uma Devi., in a North Indian family in the United Provinces , now Uttar Pradesh. All of 23 years, she is said to have run away from home and reached Bombay. In a dramatic way she knocked at the door of music composer Naushad to be considered for singing film songs. Naushad auditioned him and hired her as a singer there and then. Making her debut in playback singing with the film, Wamiq Azra . Soon she signed a contract with A.R.Kardar and started singing along side Noor Jahan , Raj Kumari, Zohrabai Ambalewali and Khursheed, all singing stars of the times. ‘ Afsana likh rahi hun dil- e – beqaraar ka’ the song she sang for the 1947 film Dard is a sensation even today.The other songs from the same film “Yeh Kaun Chala Meri Aankhon Mein Sama Kar”, and "Aaj Machi Hai Dhoom Jhoom Khushi Se Jhoom", which she sang for actress Munawar Sultana under the music direction of Naushad also became hits. She sang a duet , "Betaab Hai Dil Dard-e-Mohabat Ke Asar Se", with Suraiya also.She eventually married a gentleman from Delhi whom she called Mohan and who had became her ardent fan on listening to the song “Afsana likh rahi hun dil- e – beqaraar ka” .After ‘Dard ‘ she next sang for Mehboob Khan's Anokhi Ada , which again had hit numbers "Kahe jiya dole" and "Dil ko lagake humne kuch bhi na paya".
She came to be known as a highly rated playback singer,reaching her highest point in singing with the film ‘Chandralekha’ for which she recorded seven songs in a row , all becoming hits.
Times changed and so did singing with the singers like Lata Mangeshkar , Asha Bhosle, and Surayya coming on the scene. She was advised to switch over to acting.
Making her debut in Dilip Kumar – Nargis starrer “Babul”, she was well on her way to becoming a popular comedienne. It was Dilip Kumar who gave her the name Tun Tun quite in tune with her plump physique and bubbly persona. She worked in about 200 films in her career and tickled the funny bones of lakhs of cine goers over the decades. Her notable films include Aar Paar,Deedar, Pyasa, Udan Khatola, Mr.& Mrs.55 , Shri420, Raj Hath, Jaagte raho, CID, Phir Subah Hogi, Ujala, Kaagaz Ke Phool, Kohinoor, Dil Apna aur Preet Parayi, Bombay ka Babu, Ganga Jamuna , Chaudhawin ka Chaand ,Mr. X in Bombay, Kaajal, Jab Jab Phool Khile and many many others.
She died this day in 2003 aged eighty.
Our humble tributes !

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Raza Murad

Happy birthday to Raza Murad , the Bollywood actor with a booming, impressive voice !

Sunday, November 20, 2016

फ़ैज़ अहमद फ़ैज़

आज एशिया उपमहाद्वीप के महान शाइर फ़ैज़ अहमद फ़ैज़ की पुण्यतिथि है !
विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !

Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Today is the death anniversary of Faiz Ahmad Faiz, a renowned Urdu poet of the Asian sub continent.
Our humble tributes !

Minoo Masani

Today is the birth anniversary of Minocher Rustom Masani- Minoo Masani for short- a freedom fighter, parliamentarian, a thinker and an author. Born in a Parsi family and educated in the London School of Economics , a Bar-at -Law from the Lincoln’s Inn , Minoo Masani plunged into the Freedom Struggle, participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement and courted arrest in 1932 and 1933. Later as an employee of the Tata’s , he quit the job to join the Quit India Movement. He was elected as Mayor of the Bombay Municipal Corporation in 1943. Post Independence, he was made a member of the Constituent Assembly. His proposal for inclusion of a Uniform Civil Code in the Constitution was however rejected. Thrice he was elected as a Lok Sabha M.P. from the Rajkot Constituency of Gujarat.Foe a term, he was an independent MP, representing the Ranchi Constituency. Disillusioned with the Congress, along with C. Rajagopalachari and N.G Ranga, he founded the Swatantra Party in consonance with his liberal views . As a liberal Socialist he was against any kind of monopoly, whether State or private .
He was also an author and wrote many books , some of which are Our India ,Socialism Reconsidered ,A Plea for a Mixed Economy ,Congress Misrule and Swatantra Alternative ,’Too Much Politics ;Too Little Citizenship’ , and We Indians . In fact Our India was a best seller and a prescribed text book in pre-independence India.
Our humble tributes !

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dara Singh

Today is the birth anniversary of Dara Singh , once the World Wrestling Champion ,who turned actor and acted in a number of films. In my growing years, when I was in school, three four names were always mentioned by my classmates, and among wrestlers,the names of Dara Singh , his brother Randhawa, and a rival King Kong were mentioned most of the time. He earned worldwide fame when he defeated King Kong . He won Commonwealth Wrestling Championship in 1959 by defeating George Gordienko at Calcutta and and the World Wrestling Championship in 1968 by defeating Lou Thesz at Bombay . He started his film career as early as 1952 when he acted in a film ‘Sangdil’. After doing stunts in many films, his first lead role came in ‘King Kong’, a movie made in 1962. Entering into a partnership with the actress Mumtaz in 1963, he did about 16 films with her. He acted as Bhim in the film Mahabharat and as Hanuman in the film ‘ Bajrangbali ‘ and also in the TV serial ‘Ramayan’.
In many of the lesser known films he enacted roles mostly suited to his strong body , good height and physique, as is suggested by the title of the films. These included ‘King Kong’ ,’ Rustam-E-Baghdad’ ,’Lootera’, ‘Rustam-E-Hind’, ‘Sikander-E-Azam’, ‘Daku Mangal Singh’ etc. etc. He also worked in well known films like ‘Mera Naam Joker’, ‘Anand’, ‘Aankhon Aankhon Mein’, ’ Lalkar’ , ‘Sultana Daku’, ‘Jehreela Insaaan’, ‘Dharam Karam’, ‘Dharmatma’ and last but not the least ‘Jab We Met’. He acted in Punjabi films also .
He directed films like ‘Nanak Dukhiya Sab Sansaar’, ‘Rustam’, ‘Sawa Lakh Se Ek Ladaoon ‘,’ Mera Desh Mera Dharam’ . He also produced ‘Bhakti Mein Shakti’ and ‘Karan’.
He was the first sportsperson to be nominated to the Rajya Sabha and served his term between 2003 and 2009.
Our humble tributes !

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

अकबर अल्लाहबादी

हंगामा है क्यूँ बरपा, थोड़ी सी जो पी ली है
डाका तो नहीं डाला, चोरी तो नहीं की है
दुनिया में हूँ दुनिया का तलबगार नहीं हूँ
बाज़ार से गुज़रा हूँ, ख़रीददार नहीं हूँ
हम क्या कहें अहबाब क्या कार-ए-नुमाया कर गए
बी.ए. हुए, नौकर हुए , पेंशन मिली और मर गए
-अज़ीम शाइर अकबर अल्लाहबादी की आज जयंती है ।
विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !


Today is the birth anniversary of Chitragupta, a very talented but lesser known music composer of Hindi cinema. Active for more than four decades in the film line, he composed music for about 150 films. Somehow fame eluded him and lady luck did not smile as much on him as did on other music directors, as far as popularity is concerned . Maybe his talent did not get utilized to the full . However the melodies he composed for the films like Bhabhi, Oonche Log, Zabak, Kali Topi Lal Rumaal , and Insaaf Ki Manzil did get due recognition.The noted films for which he composed music are- Bhakt Puraan, Naag Panchami ,Naya Raasta, Alibaba Aur Chaalis Chor, Kismat ,Insaaf ,Bhaabi ,Pawanputra Hanuman,Chaalbaaz ,Kangan,Kaali Topi Laal Rumaal ,Kal Hamaara Hain ,Guest House ,Barkha ,Gambler,Patang ,Zabak ,Suhaag Sindoor ,Main Chup Rahoongi ,Main Shaadi Karne Chala ,Opera House ,Ganga Ki Lahren ,Samson ,Main Bhi Ladki Hoon ,Akaash Deep ,Oonche Log ,Mahabharat and Aulaad .
His two sons Anand and Milind are also music composers.
Our humble tributes !

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sania Mirza

Happy birthday to Sania Mirza, the Tennis star !


What an idiot you are Bir !
और अब मेरा नशा कुछ कुछ उतरता हुआ मालूम होता था।
- प्रेमचंद की कहानी 'नशा' से !

Vidya Sinha

Happy birthday to Vidya Sinha, the acclaimed Bollywood actress who worked in movies like Rajnigandha,Chhoti Si Baat, Mukti ,Karm ,Pati Patni aur Woh and many other hit films !

विनोबा भावे

भूदान आंदोलन के प्रणेता, स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम के सेनानी, महान गांधीवादी भारत रत्न विनोबा भावे की आज पुण्यतिथि है।उन्हें रेमन मेगेसैसे पुरस्कार से सम्मानि
प्रथम व्यक्ति ने होने का गौरव प्राप्त है ।
1983 में उन्हें मरणोपरांत भारत रत्न से  सम्मानित किया गया था ।
भारतमाता के इस महान सपूत को हमारी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !

Monday, November 14, 2016

गुरु नानक

"मिल सकता है किसी जाति को आत्मबोध से ही चैतन्य
नानक सा उद्बोधक पा कर हुआ पन्चनद पुनरपि धन्य"
गुरु पर्व की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं !

मनोहर सिंह

विख्यात रंगकर्मी एवं फिल्म अभिनेता मनोहर सिंह की आज पुण्यतिथि है ।शिमला के एक गाँव में जन्मे और लोक नाट्य से अपनी अभिनय यात्रा आरंभ करने वाले मनोहर सिंह ने अमेच्योर ड्रामाटिक क्लब शिमला द्वारा गेयटी थियेटर में मंचित कुछ नाटकों में भी अभिनय किया और उसके बाद राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विद्यालय , दिल्ली से सम्बद्ध रहे।
वहाँ नाटकों में अभिनय के बाद निर्देशन भी किया।'तुग़लक', 'हिम्मत माई' और 'मैडम बर्वे' नाटकों से उन्हें विशेष पहचान मिली। फिल्मों में प्रवेश करने पर 'पार्टी' व 'डैडी' फिल्मों में उनके अभिनय को खूब सराहा गया।
प्रसिद्ध नाट्य निर्देशक बलवंत गार्गी ने अपनी आत्मकथा में मनोहर सिंह की भूरि भूरि प्रशंसा की है ।
प्रतिभावान अभिनेता व कलाकार को हमारी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !

Manohar Singh

Today is the death anniversary of Manohar Singh, a highly talented theatre and film actor.Starting as an artiste in village folk theatre in Shimla, he participated in plays staged at Amateur Dramatic Club, Gaiety Theatre in Shimla before moving to National School of Drama, Delhi. He also had some training in Theatre at the Royal Society, London.
He is known for his memorable performance in plays - Tughlaq, Himmat Mai and Madam Berve.Before switching to cinema, he was Chief of Repertory at National School of Drama for twelve years.He is known for his role in films Party and Daddy.He also appeared in a TV serial Mulla Nasruddin.

The late Balwant Gargi, the famous theatre personality in his autobiography 'The Naked Triangle ' has praised Manohar Singh.
Our humble tributes to the great artist and Actor !

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Amjad Khan

Today is the birth anniversary of Amjad Khan, the popular Bollywood actor.He is mostly known for his stellar performance as Gabbar in 1975 block buster 'Sholay',and his dialogues like' kitney aadmi the' were on the lips of almost everyone who saw the movie.Not only this, the dialogues were repeated and used at many places and on many occasions to add effect. He was mostly cast as a villain.He acted in about 130 films. Apart from ' Sholay' his another remarkable performance was as Dilawar in 'Muqaddar ka Sikandar'.
He started playing minor roles in films in 1951 and the name of the first film was Nazneen.Next he worked in a movie called Ab Dilli Door Nahin , when he was just seventeen.He had a small role in K.Asif's Love and God.His first film as an adult was Hindustan Ki Kasam.

He also played comic roles in films like Qurbani , Love Story and Chameli Ki Shadi and become immensely popular.
He had outstanding performance in films like. Shatranj ke Khiladi, Yaarana and Lawaaris.He also worked in a Hollywood flick The Perfect Murder.
One of his directorial ventures 'Chor Police' did well at the box office while the other 'Ameer Aadmi Gareeb Aadmi' flopped.
He was a respected man in the film industry and is known to have resolved disputes among actors.He died in 1992 aged 51.
Our humble tributes to the great, versatile and talented actor !

Salim Ali

Today is the birth anniversary of Salim Ali , a renowned ornithologist and naturalist. He was an avid bird watcher and did extensive and systematic survey of birds at a number of places in India and made a pioneering study of various species and their behavior and habitat and came up with various books on the subject. He is credited with the formation of Bombay Natural History Society and the creation of Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. He co-authored the ten volume Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, along with Sidney Dillon Ripley , which is considered a classic. It is interesting to note that Salim Ali , who as a youngster went about hunting and killing sparrows became their preserver , later in life. However even during his hunting sprees also, he made useful study about sparrows. His visit to Burma in connection with the family business brought him more in proximity with nature and forests. Back in Bombay, he , along with Commerce and law studies , pursued Zoology also. He went to Germany also and conducted studies in ornithology along with some experts there.
Many species of birds bear his name as also some Parks and Institutes.
He was a recipient of Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan.
Our humble tributes !

Friday, November 11, 2016

Abul Kalam Azad

Today is the birth anniversary of Abul Kalam Azad, popularly known as Maulana Azad, a prominent personality of the Indian Freedom Movement.

He was an Islamic scholar , a journalist, a patriot to the core. Coming in contact with Mahatma Gandhi during the Khilafat movement that he spearheaded, Azad became a Gandhi follower and became a votary of Swadeshi and Swaraj movements.
He actively participated in the Quit India Movement.

Post independence, he became the first Minister of Education in the Union Government and formulated the National Education Policy. He is credited with establishing the Indian Institutes of Technology and the University Grants Commission.
He was also a recipient of Bharat Ratna.
His birth anniversary is also commemorated as the National Education Day.
Our humble tributes to the great patriot and the secular face of the Indian polity !

Johnny Walker

Today is the birth anniversary of Johnny Walker, the celebrated comedian of Bollywood. Born Badruddin Jamaluddin Kazi, in Indore, circumstances brought the family to Bombay. His father being left out of work, Johnny Walker became the sole bread winner of a large family consisting of parents and his nine siblings. He tried his hand at various things, and finally settled as a bus conductor in BEST. Bitten by the acting bug early in life, he used to practice the antics and stunts of the actors he had seen on screen. His acting talent was spotted by Balraj Sahni , when he saw Johnny Walker, entertaining the cast of movie ‘Hulchul ‘-with extempore acting as a drunkard. Incidentally a very small role had come his way in that movie. It is said that Balraj Sahni asked Johnny Walker to perform before Guru Dutt . This brought a role for Johnny Walker in Guru Dutt’s movie ‘Baazi’ and his career in films took off. The name Johnny Walker was given to him by Guru Dutt at this point in time and the name stuck.

He acted in all movies of Guru Dutt except perhaps one . Johnny Walker acted in many movies . The films Mere Mehboob, C.I.D, Pyaasa and Chori Chori catapulted him to fame and popularity and he became a star. He was at the pinnacle in the 50s and 60s , however suffering a jolt with the death of Guru Dutt in 1964. He acted in the films of Bimal Roy and Vijay Anand also.
He gave a stellar performance in Naya Daur, Madhumati and Taxi Driver .
Educated only upto the sixth education he saw to it that his children receive the best education home and abroad.
He became a symbol of harmless, pure comedy , depending mostly on facial expression , body movements and excellent delivery of dialogues . No innuendos or double meaning entendres were to be seen in his comedy. It is to his credit that no single line was ever cut by the Censor in his dialogues. He acted in about 300 movies.
He won the Filmfare Best Supporting Actor Award for his role in Madhumati and the
Filmfare Best Comedian Award for his role in Shikar.
Our humble tributes to the great actor and a fine gentleman !

Thursday, November 10, 2016


A little more than 38 years down the line ,when demonetization of currency notes of denomination Rs.1000/- and above , came about in 1978 , I had landed a Bank job- also my first job- in a suburban branch of Solan , a few months back . A day was fixed to facilitate the banks to exchange such currency notes , if any at the SBOP, Solan, which carried out the government and treasury functions Luckily , the lone note the small branch had with it had been got exchanged a few days back . Since the banks were not open to public transaction that day, for us it was a paid holiday . I made good use of this holiday in watching the movie Dream Girl which was running in a cinema hall at Solan. I had eyed the posters of this movie a few days back but was hesitant to ask for and avail leave only to watch a movie . I could well call it a god sent opportunity, however mundane the matter seems now in retrospect. 
Compare this with the Government decision to demonetize the Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- aired the day before yesterday by no less an authority than the PM himself, my only worry was about standing in the long queue to deposit whatever I had of the currency declared defunct as also to have some notes exchanged to meet exigencies. There was a huge rush in the Bank as expected, for depositing the cash and to exchange currency notes . Thanks to benign presence of noble souls who helped me get over the long wait and also guided me to a counter with very small queue , my wife and I were able to unburden ourselves and felt much relieved. 
Hats off to the Bank staff who were found attending to customers patiently without losing their cool and nerve, despite having little time to have lunch- and this is going to continue for days together !

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Raja Rao

Today is the birth anniversary of Raja Rao, the doyen of Indian writing in English . Together with Mulk Raj Anand and R.K.Narayan , he constitutes the formidable triumvirate of Indian writers, writing in English and among the first being published abroad. 

His novel ‘Kanthapura’ written in 1938 was an epoch making work, being the first major novel written in English. It is a microcosm of the Indian village life in all its evils and idiosyncrasies. Kanthapura , a small nondescript village beset with social evils like untouchability, and blind faith , under Gandhi’s influence plunges itself into civil disobedience & non cooperation movements and becomes a model of passive resistance and non violence .The Gandhian way is propogated through hari katha, the traditional narrative mode. The events unfolding also show woman power asserting itself and working in tandem with the male residents of the village. In a way the novel also comes across an encapsulated story of struggle for Independence .
In ‘Serpent and the Rope’ Raja Rao juxtaposes the illusion and the reality , the two important ingredients of Indian Culture and is a journey in search of spiritual truth in Europe and India.
Raja Rao emerged as a nationalist novelist , despite the later part of his education being in Paris. He was deeply influenced by Gandhi and Gandhian ways and thought find a prominent place in his ‘Kanthapura’ and other writings as also his short stories. He also wrote a biography of Gandhi, called ’ The Great Indian Way: A Life of Mahatma Gandhi’, 1998.
Besides ‘Kanthapura’ and ‘The Serpent and the Rope’ he wrote three more novels , namely
‘The Cat and Shakespeare: A Tale of India’, ‘Comrade Kirillov’, and ‘The Chessmaster and His Moves (1988)’
Besides many collection of short stories, his non – fiction works include ‘Changing India: An Anthology (edited with Iqbal Singh),Tomorrow (edited with Ahmed Ali),Whither India? (edited with Iqbal Singh) and ’The Meaning of India, essays’
He was a recipient of Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, and Sahitya Academy Award.
Our humble tributes to the celebrity Writer !

Air Marshal Subroto Mukerjee

Today is the death anniversary of Air Marshal Subroto Mukerjee , OBE, the first Chief of Staff of the Indian Air Force. Commissioned into the Royal Indian Air Force in 1932, he saw action in the NWFP and the Second World War and commanded a Squadron. For his meritorious service, he was awarded the Order of the British Empire.Post independence , he was recruited in the Indian Air Force and rose to be the Chief of Air Staff in 1954. He was the first Indian officer to command a flight, a squadron and finally the Force itself. Besides OBE, he was also the recipient of India General Service Medal,India Service Medal and Indian Independence Medal.He is also called the Father of Indian Air Force.
He died in Tokyo in 1960, aged 49.
Our humble tributes !

Monday, November 7, 2016

C V Raman

Today is the birth anniversary of C V Raman , D.Sc., FRS, the renowned Indian scientist . He did pioneering research in Physics and discovered the phenomenon known as Raman Effect, which won him the Nobel Prize in 1930. He was also a recipient of Bharat Ratna.
Our humble tributes to the great scientist !

Bipin Chandra Pal

Today is the birth anniversary of Bipin Chandra Pal of the famous Lal Bal Pal triumvirate, the other two members being Lala Lajpat Rai and Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak. In this way he represented the extremist group of the freedom movement. Becoming a member of the Indian National Congress in the second year of its inception in 1886, he became an active participant in the Swadeshi and Poorna Swaraj movement and played an important role in the non cooperation movement, when it was launched.
He was also known as the Bengal Tiger.
Our humble tributes to the great patriot and the freedom fighter !

बहादुर शाह 'जफर'

उम्रे दराज मांग के लाए थे चार दिन,
दो आरज़ू में कट गए दो इंतजार में..
- बहादुर शाह 'जफर'
आज उनका योमे वफात ( पुण्यतिथि) है !

Sunday, November 6, 2016

संजीव कुमार

हिन्दी सिनेमा जगत के लोकप्रिय अभिनेता संजीव कुमार की आज पुण्य तिथि है। मुंबई की IPTA और उसके बाद इंडियन नेशनल थिएटर से अपने अभिनय जीवन की शुरुआत करने वाले संजीव कुमार ने मात्र 22 वर्ष की आयु में आर्थर मिलर के नाटक ‘ऑल माइ सन्स’ में एक बूढ़े की भूमिका निभा कर अपनी अभिनय प्रतिभा का परिचय दिया । 1960 में ‘हम हिंदुस्तानी’ से अपना फिल्मी सफर आरंभ करके उनने 1965 में पहली बार फिल्म ‘निशान’ में नायक की भूमिका निभाई । फिल्म ‘संघर्ष’ में दिलीप कुमार के साथ अभिनय किया और उसके बाद ‘ ‘खिलौना’ में सदमे के कारण मानसिक सन्तुलन खो चुके एक व्यक्ति का सशक्त अभिनय कर अपना लोहा मनवाया। गुलजार के निर्देशन में ‘कोशिश’, ‘आँधी’ ‘मौसम’, ‘नमकीन’ और ‘अंगूर’ को मिला कर नौ फिल्मों में भी यादगार अभिनय किया ।
उनके द्वारा अभिनीत अन्य फिल्मों में, ‘सीता और गीता’, ‘आप की कसम’, ‘मनचली’, ‘पति पत्नी और वो’ ‘अनोखी रात’, ‘जानी दुश्मन’, ‘त्रिशूल’ , ‘हीरो’, ‘शोले’ , ‘शतरंज के खिलाड़ी’, ‘विधाता’, ‘नया दिन नयी रात’ और ‘राजा और रंक’ प्रमुख हैं ।
अनेकों बार फिल्मफेयर श्रेष्ठ अभिनेता पुरस्कार व श्रेष्ठ सपोर्टिंग अभिनेता पुरस्कार नामित होने व जीतने वाले संजीव कुमार को और भी कई सम्मान मिले, यथा, उन पर एक डाक टिकट भी जारी हुआ तथा सूरत में एक सड़क को भी उनका नाम दिया गया ।
स्टार और सुपर स्टार जैसी प्रचलित अवधारणा से हट कर हर फिल्म में अपनी अपूर्व अभिनय प्रतिभा का लोहा मनवाने वाले संजीव कुमार फिल्मी दुनिया के होते हुए भी फिल्मी चकाचौंध से कोसो दूर रहे और एक साधारण व्यक्ति का जीवन जीये .किराए के मकान में पूरी ज़िंदगी बिता दी और स्वयं अविवाहित रह कर, दिवंगत हो चुके अपने भाई के परिवार का भरण पोषण किया । ज्ञातव्य है कि अपना बंगला खरीद पाने का एक मात्र सपना भी पूरा न हो सका और मात्र 47 वर्ष की आयु में इस संसार को अलविदा कह गए ।
इस महान कलाकार और अद्भुत व्यक्तित्व को हमारी विनम्र श्र्द्धांजलि !

ननु ताकती है दरवाज़ा' - श्री रोशन जसवाल

कभी भावनाओं के स्वत: स्फूर्त आवेग तथा कभी गहन विचार मंथन का परिणाम , कविता कुछ भी हो सकती है। चाहे कुछ भी हो, कविता का एक गुण संप्रेषणीयता भी है जिसके लिए सरल सादे शब्दों का चयन अति महत्वपूर्ण है । कुछ व्यक्तिगत अनुभव, कुछ दूसरों के अनुभव, कुछ आस पास घटित होने वाला जो कभी मन मस्तिष्क को कचोटता तो कभी चुनौती देता प्रतीत होता है- इन सबसे कविता बनती है । कई बार विपरीत परिस्थितियों या भाग्य के थपेड़ों के आगे हमारी असहायता भी घोर निराशा का रूप ले कर कविताओं में प्रतिध्वनित होती है।
काव्यसंग्रह ‘ननु ताकती है दरवाज़ा’ भी ऐसी 64 कविताओं का एक गुलदस्ता है । कविताएं सामान्य व्यक्तियों, परिस्थितियों और सोच को विषय- वस्तु बना कर लिखी गयी हैं इसलिए पाठक का इनसे जुड़ाव महसूस करना सहज स्वाभाविक है।1983 से ले कर आज तक , तीन दशकों से भी अधिक के कालखंड में फैली ये कुछ चयनित प्रतिनिधि कविताएं हैं । सर्वप्रथम शीर्षक कविता का विषय ‘ननु’ कविता को लें तो इसमे एक असहाय पिता का अपराधबोध दिखाई देता है, शायद अपनी बेटी ननु की छोटी मोटी ख़्वाहिश पूरी न कर पाने की असमर्थता को ले कर परंतु ननु की आशा ,उसकी उम्मीद कायम ही नहीं, अडिग है इसीलिए “आसान नहीं है ननु बनना....” ।इस को पढ़ कर उपेन्द्रनाथ ‘अश्क’ की कहानी ‘डाची’ की याद आती है गो उसमे परिस्थिति वश बाकर जाट अपनी बेटी की इच्छा पूरी नहीं कर पाता बावजूद इसके कि मूल्य चुका कर डाची वो खरीद लेता है। इसी प्रकार ‘माठु’ कविता में ‘माठु’ का साक्षर होना उसकी शक्ति बनता है व शोषण का विरोध करने में उसकी आवाज़ । साक्षारता अभियान की सफलता का यह एक परिचायक है । ‘औरत’ कविता अपने आप में बहुत कुछ कह जाती है क्योंकि उस परिस्थिति की ओर इंगित करती है जब एक निकम्मे पुरुष से विवाह बंधन में बंध कर सारे परिवार के लालन पालन का बोझ उसे अपने कंधों पर उठाना पड़ता है और वो ‘मर्द’ हो जाती है। ‘परिवर्तन’ कविता की प्रारंभिक पंक्ति ‘परिवर्तन यूं ही नहीं आते’ अपने आप में पूर्ण कविता है और संस्कृत श्लोक ‘ उद्यमेन ही सिद्धयंती, कार्याणि न मनोर्थै ‘ की याद दिलाती है , गोया कुछ नया सोचने, कुछ नया करने की दरकार है ।इसी प्रकार ‘पराजय’ कविता एकदम नए कलेवर की कविता लगती है। ‘दूर के ढोल’ एक असंपकृतता की ओर संकेत करती है, जो तब तक स्वाभाविक या स्वभावगत है जब तक आंच अपने पर न आए !
इस काव्य संग्रह के रचयिता श्री रोशन जसवाल से मेरा व्यक्तिगत परिचय नहीं परंतु ब्लॉग और फेसबुक पर उनके आलेखों के माध्यम से उन्हें कुछ हद तक जानता और पहचानता हूं । आकाशवाणी और दूरदर्शन केंद्र शिमला से प्रसारित उनके समाचार वाचन को सुन कर उनकी वाणी के ठहराव से प्रभावित हुआ हूँ । शायद ये उनके व्यक्तित्व की स्थिरता का भी परिचय है, स्थिरता से मेरी मुराद ठोस धरातल पर रहने से है ।
भविष्य में इस संग्रह की कुछ और कविताओं पर भी प्रकाश डालूँगा ।
संग्रह पठनीय ही नहीं ग्राह्य भी है , इसमे कोई संदेह नहीं।
भविष्य के लिए भी मैं श्री जसवाल को शुभकामनाएं प्रेषित करता हूँ

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Today is the death anniversary of Baldev Raj Chopra aka B.R.Chopra, the renowned Bollywood film producer and director. An alumnus of Punjab University Lahore , in the pre- Independence era,from where he did his Master’s in English Literature, he started his career as a film journalist with the Cine Herald , a monthly magazine of Lahore which he subsequently owned and ran till partition in 1947.Post partition he moved to Delhi and later to Bombay and entered film production. While his maiden venture ‘ Karwat’ flopped, his second film Afsana in which Ashok Kumar was cast in double role ,was a hit and proved a shot in the arm for both Ashok Kumar and B.R.Chopra.
Susequently he came up with ‘Naya Daur’ , the first film from his production house BR Films starring Dilip Kumar and Vaijyantimala which became a smash hit and a Golden Jubilee film. Not looking back , he went on to give hit after hit movies in a row.He was director- producer of films like Ek Hi Raasta , Naya Daur,Sadhna .Kanoon, Gumrah ,Humraz , Karm,Pati Patni Aur Woh ,Insaf Ka Tarazoo ,Nikaah and Kal Ki Awaz
He also produced hit movies like Dhool Ka Phool ,Waqt,Ittefaq, Aadmi aur Insaan, Zammer, Chhoti Si Baat,The Burning Train, Agni Pareeksha, Majdoor, Pratigyabadh, Baghbaan and Baabul.
His movies were always socially relevant and carried a message.
Surprisingly and for reasons best known to him, celebrated singers Muhammad Rafi & Lata Mangeshkar, did not find favour with him and a very few songs in his films were recorded in their voice.
His TV serial Mahabharat broke all records in popularity and viewership.
He was a recipient of Padma Bhushan ,Dadasaheb Phalke Award Nation Film Award, and Filmfare Award .

बाबा नागार्जुन

हिन्दी और मैथिली के महान साहित्यकार जनकवि बाबा नागार्जुन की आज पुण्यतिथि है ।
विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !

Deshbandhu Chitranjan Das

Today is the birth anniversary of Deshbandhu Chitranjan Das, a prominent figure in the Indian Independence Struggle. 
A barrister, educated in England, he founded the. Swaraj Party in West Bengal.He plunged headlong into the Non-cooperation movement shunned the luxurious life he was used to, burning all his western clothes.He was the first mayor of Calcutta Municipal Corporation .A few years before his death he gifted his house and land to the Nation, which is now a reputed Cancer Institute bearing his name.
The high esteem in which he was held by all and sundry is borne out by the fact that so many institutions bear his name and stand as a memorial to this extraordinary patriot, freedom fighter and servant of society .
Our humble tributes to the great Son of India !

Jaikishan - music director

Yesterday was  the birth anniversary of Jaikishan Dayabhai Panchal or simply Jaikishan of the popular Shankar-Jaikishan duo of Bollywood composers and music directors. Together with Shankar and solo also, Jaikishan is credited with composing unforgettable lilting melodies for two decades. Though Jaikishan died in 1971 at the young age of 42, the name of the banner SJ continued till Shankar's death in 1987.
Our humble tributes to the great music director !

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sohrab Modi

Today is the birth anniversary of Sohrab Modi, the Bolllywood Actor- Director. Starting as an actor in the Parsi theatre, he earned reputation as a good Shakespearean Actor . However his earlier two films based on Shakespear’s plays did not succeed. In a film career spanning almost five decades, he directed hit movies like Jailor, Pukaar, Bharosa , Sikandar, Parakh, Daulat ,Jhansi ki Rani,Mirza Ghalib, Raj Hath ,Nausherwan-e-Adil and Yahudi. 
As an actor, he appeared in a number of movies which included Jailor, Yahudi, Sikandar, Kundan, Jhansi Ki Rani, Sheesh Mahal, Pukaar and Razia Sultan. 
He was awarded Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1983.
Out humble tributes !