Thursday, December 31, 2020

ADIEU 2020

  For all intents and puposes and in retrospect the year 2020 has been extraordinary, whichever way you tend to look at it. The year had started on a light and humorous note to many, redolent of a 20-20 Cricket match ,similarity  however ending with  the figure 2020, which thanks(sic) to the spill and world wide spread of  a pandemic called Covid 19, was to turn ominous. Overall the year has been disastrous , to say the least in more ways than one . A disaster that has caused a million deaths across the world , with India contributing to the figure almost in proportion to the population vis a vis the world.There have been also social implications of the Pandemic.   The world apart from a health and medical catastrophe faced the problem of massive economic slowdown, with all industrial and manufacturing activity coming to a halt  , resulting in massive unemployment and in India especially the forced repatriation of migrant labour in hordes, who in the beginning for many days  trudged long distances largely on foot , facing hardships along the way . The two extremes of human mindset and behaviour were manifest .The philanthropists and NGOs rising to the occasion and coming up with all kind of material and monetary  help  made one proud and reassured of humanity and humane traits . On the other hand, gross insensitivity and callousness from  some quarters was also evident. As a retired person having withdrawn myself from public life, perhaps  I could afford to sit at home and be a fence sitter  since March.   Kudos and hats off to all those Government and non- Government functionaries at all levels , especially those of Medical,  Health , Cleaning , and law & order , who risked their own lives in caring and tending the others , quite a few of them losing their lives in the line of duty . They are also martyrs like the soldiers who lay down lives at the border, defending the Country. I also admire those who during the lockdown and after continued with their creative pursuits often instilling positivity and courage through their meaningful writings, be it poetic outpourings or prose writings.

The Pandemic is not yet over . Let us hope that the sincere day and night efforts by the medical scientists across the world to develop Vaccine against the  Covid bear fruit, bring out desired results  and provide succour  and relief to the people world over .No tears however, are enough to shed for  the persons who fell fatal victims to Covid.

Remain alert and be safe !

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन:,सर्वे सन्तु निरामया,

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु

मा कश्चिद् दुख भागभवेत।

ऊँ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः

Sunday, December 20, 2020

तेज राम शर्मा

 स्मृति शेष 

तेज राम शर्मा 

( 25.03.1943 – 20.12.2017 )

तुम को न भूल पाएंगे  !

सपने अपने  अपने:

बालक ने सपना देखा

उड़ गया वह आकाश में

पीठ से फिसला उसका बस्ता

एक-एक कर आसमान से गिरी

पुस्तकें और काँपियाँ

देख कर मुस्कराया और उड़ता रहा

फिर गिरा आँखों से उसका चश्मा

धरती इतनी सुंदर है

उसने कभी सपने में भी न सोचा था

युवा ने सपना देखा

हवाई जहाज़ से

उसने लगाई छलांग

करतब दिखाता हुआ

निर्भय गिरता रहा धरती की ओर

जंगल जब तेजी से उसके पास आया

तो उसने पैराशूट खोल दिया

हवा का एक तेज़ झोंका

उसे राह से विचलित कर गया

पैराशूट को नियंत्रित करता हुआ

साहस के साथ वह

पेड़ों से घिरी चारागाह में उतरा

वहाँ एक युवती दौड़कर उसके पास आई

और प्यार भरी आँखों से उसे देखने लगी

सपने में ही अपना सिर उसकी गोद में रखकर

वह जीने के सपने देखने लगा

बूढ़े ने सपना देखा

सुबह-सुबह नदी स्नान करते हुए

फिसला जाता है उसका पाँव

वह नदी में डूबने लगता है

शिथिल इन्द्रियोँ से

छटपताता है बाहर निकलने के लिए

अपने-पराये कोई नहीं सुनते उसकी चीख

सब कुछ छूटता नज़र आता है

जैसे ही अंतिम साँस निकलने को होती है

बिस्तर पर जाग पड़ता है वह भयानक सपने से

काँपते हाथों से पानी पीता है और

सपने देखने से डरने लगता है।

-तेज राम शर्मा

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

यांरा से वौलोंगौंग

 यांरा से वौलोंगौंग

(संस्मरण व यात्राएं )

लेखक- शेर सिंह

I.S.B.N : 978-81-7667-391-4

प्रकाशक : भावना प्रकाशन

109-A पटपड़ गंज, दिल्ली- 110091

पृष्ठ संख्या : 144

मूल्य : 395 रुपये

एक काव्य संग्रह व दो कहानी संग्रहों के बाद ‘यांरा से वौलोंगौंग’, कवि ,कथाकार, लेखक मित्र श्री शेर सिंह  की यह चौथी पुस्तक है । यह लेखक के संस्मरणों व यात्राओं संबंधी लेखों का संग्रह है । यांरा अथवा यंगरंग हिमाचल प्रदेश के एक दूरस्थ ज़िला लाहुल का एक छोटा सा गाँव है जो लेखक का पैतृक स्थान है, और ‘वौलोंगौंग’ ऑस्ट्रेलिया के सिडनी के अन्तर्गत एक तटवर्ती नगर का नाम है ।यह पुस्तक लेखक ने अपने पैतृक स्थान यांरा को समर्पित की है l जैसा कि संग्रह के नाम से स्पष्ट है , लेखक की अब तक की जीवन यात्रा और इस दौरान अर्जित किए गए अनुभव  इन्हीं दो बिदुओं के मध्य हैं । शेर सिंह का सौभाग्य है कि  जीविकोपार्जन के कारण ही सही , उन्हें गृह राज्य हिमाचल के अतिरिक्त भारत के अन्य राज्यों  में सेवाएं प्रदान करने और रहने का अवसर  प्राप्त हुआ है और अपने अनुभवों को  लेखनीबद्ध करने की अपनी रुचि, क्षमता और प्रतिभा का यथोचित उपयोग उनकी प्रकाशित रचनाओं के रूप में हमारे सामने है । पुस्तक के प्रारम्भ में ‘अपनी बात’ भी पठनीय है और अपने अपने क्षेत्र में ख्यातिप्राप्त कुछ  सुधीजनों के उद्गार पुस्तक की सामग्री, विषयवस्तु की गुणवत्ता  पर प्रकाश डालते हैं ।

इस संग्रह में विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित कुल 25 लेख हैं । पुस्तकाकार छोटा होते हुए भी इसका फ़लक विस्तृत है, जिसमे, भाषा, शिक्षा,धार्मिक आस्था, संस्कृति, विज्ञान, एवं प्रचलित मान्यताएं , जो कि व्यापक संदर्भ में  निराधार और अनुचित प्रतीत होती  है, इस सभी का समावेश है । पाठक के सामान्य ज्ञान में वृद्धि होने का भी लाभ समाहित है ।

सबरीमाला मंदिर पर आधारित संग्रह के प्रथम लेख पर जहां एक ओर  अय्यपा स्वामी के उद्भव की जानकारी मिलती है वहीं आस्था मे डूबे व्यक्तियों द्वारा एक निश्चित अवधि के दौरान वेशभूषा और आचरण संबंधी कठोर अनुशासन का पालन किए जाने का रोचक विस्तृत विवरण है । वेलूर के ऐतिहासिक क़िले पर लेख इतिहास के साथ साथ लगभग तीस वर्ष पूर्व घटी एक घटना के काले अध्याय की भी याद दिलाता है । अपनी ऑस्ट्रेलिया यात्रा और प्रवास के दौरान हुए अनुभवों, दृश्यों, वस्तुओं, भवनों, स्मारकों का विस्तृत विवरण पाठक को बांधे रखने में सक्षम है ।विदेशी भूमि पर निर्मित मन्दिर और गणेश पूजा का आंखो देखा वर्णन भी प्रवासी एवं  विदेश की नागरिकता प्राप्त  भारतवंशी लोगों की धार्मिक आस्था पर पर्याप्त प्रकाश डालता है । कुछ लोगों  शक्लसूरत से उनकी राष्ट्रीयता का अनुमान लगाना भी इतना सहज नहीं , जितना हम समझते हैं , ऐसा भी लेखक का अनुभव रहा है । अन्तरराष्ट्रीय विवाह को ले कर जो  भ्रांतियां अथवा पूर्वाग्रह/ दुराग्रह , विशेषकर दो ऐसे देशों के संदर्भ में जिनके संबंध किसी भी दृष्टि से मैत्रीपूर्ण नहीं कहे जा सकते, वे भी विदेशी भूमि पर प्रत्यक्षदर्शी को निराधार और अनुचित लगते हैं । ऐसे दंपती विदेश में सुखी जीवन बिताते दिखते हैं । लेखक के दूसरे राज्यों के अनुभव भी कम रोचक नहीं ।रहन सहन, जलवायु, खान पान की विविधता, सब कुछ का वर्णन इन लेखों में मिलता है।साहित्य, पत्रकारिता, विज्ञान क्षेत्र की नामचीन हस्तियों सेअपने परिचय का वर्णन भी लेखक ने रोचक रूप में प्रस्तुत किया है ।  कुल मिला कर विभिन्न स्थानों पर रहने का अनुभव बहुत कुछ तो सिखाता ही है और साथ में दृष्टिकोण को भी व्यापकता प्रदान करता है ।अनेकता में एकता की राष्ट्रीयता की भावना भी अनेक प्रकार की संस्कृतियों के साक्षात्कार से जागृत होती है ।

राष्ट्रीयकृत बैंक – सिंडीकेट बैंक में वरिष्ठ प्रबन्धक ( राजभाषा )के पद से सेवानिवृत्ति के बाद लेखक स्वतंत्र लेखन में मशगूल हैं । लेखक के अनुसार इस संग्रह के अधिकतर लेख पत्र- पत्रिकाओं में प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं । उनके द्वारा इन लेखों को पुस्तकाकार में पाठकों के समक्ष लाना स्वागत योग्य है ।

भविष्य के लेखन के लिए भी लेखक को शुभकामनाएं !!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

कॉरोना डायरी

 बकौल ग़ालिब 'मौत का एक दिन मुअय्यन है, नींद क्यों रात भर  नहीं आती' । यह सामान्य दिनों का शाश्वत सत्य है । मौत निश्चित है पर समय निश्चित होते हुए भी ज्ञात नहीं । यही निश्चितता  में अनिश्चितता की स्थिति  जीवन को चलाए हुए है । पर कॉरोना काल में असमय काल  का ग्रास बनते लोगों के बारे में देख सुन कर सहज ही हर प्रकार से भयावह और चिंता जनक बनी स्थिति का स्वतः अनुमान हो  जाता है । हर आयु के लोग संक्रमण से प्रभावित हो रहे है । कोविड19 कई स्वरुप बदल चुका है । आवश्यक सावधानी हेतु व्यापक प्रचार  हो रहा है । दुर्भाग्यवश कुछ ऐसे प्रबुद्ध , पढ़े लिखे, बुद्धिमान लोग भी जीवन से हाथ धो बैठे हैं जिन्होंने संभवतः स्वयं कोई असावधानी नहीं  बरती पर   दूसरे लोगों की  असावधानी से कोविड की जद में आए । 

आश्चर्य और दुःख  होता है कुछ युवा और कुछ उम्रदराज़ लोगों को देख कर जिन्होंने आस पास की घटनाओं से कोई सबक़ नहीं लिया और डॉन बन कर बिना मास्क के और सावधानी के अन्य मानकों को धत्ता बता कर घूमते हुए स्वयं के अतिरिक्त औरों के लिए भी खतरा बनते हैं ।

अंग्रेज़ कवि जॉन डन के शब्दों को थोड़ा परिवर्तित करते हुए - 

For whom the bell tolls , it tolls for me को ध्यान में रखते हुए ही बचाव संभव है ।

वैक्सीन आने और उसके प्रभाव से रोग या संक्रमण से मुक्त होने के लिए अभी कई पड़ाव पार करने होंगे   ।

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Adieu,Sudha Mahajan

  With little or no charm left for Fairs, Festivals and festivities , call it age factor or whatever,  even Diwali seems  just another day that comes and goes.Age appears more than a mere number for me. This time Covid did cast a shadow on the festival , notwithstanding the sound of crackers permeating and filling the environment that seemed to belie this.

On top of everything, came the shocking news of the sad demise of Sudha Mahajan, not only an active member of the Group , but also a  neighbourhood kid. Thanks to this Group, for me it was a reunion with her and her other siblings Navinender Gupta ji & Raksha Kaistha di, after 56 years.
As we all members of the group know , Sudha Mahajan had been  quite regular with her posts. Well versed both in Hindi and English, she came across as a wonderful writer. Her posts  featuring the minutest details like kitchen paraphernalia, recipes, the condiments used exhibit her keen observation.The Black & White  pictures so assiduously preserved over such a long time,and posted in the Group  brought alive precious childhood memories. Govind Sisodiya's comments on a related post inform that she was battling cancer reveals another shocking fact. There was no such indication in her posts which were so full of positivity and ebullience. A bright and serious student, she actively participated in extra curricular activities and went on to do M.Phil in History. Her posts reveal that post marriage she had been in teaching too .
Her passing away is a shock to many others besides her family and other siblings .This is a personal loss to me as we grew up and played together as kids.
My heartfelt condolences to the family and the next of kin  !
May the Almighty give courage to all bereaved to bear the loss !
They say , we part to meet again, but just the opposite has happened .
We met to part and never to meet again !
Adieu, Sudha Mahajan or Sudha ji ,as we called you back then !!

Saturday, October 24, 2020


 Surfing through the Net the other day I chanced upon a singer bearing the surname Udupa and the surname sounding quite familiar ,   my memory at  once flashed back to the days when decades back my father made a mention of one Dr. Udupa, who had operated upon him for duodenal ULCER in 1956 or perhaps 1957 at Snowdon Hospital,Shimla ,as being a toddler then , I didn't even know about some such thing occurring.  My father always  remembered him with respect as his saviour and life giver as surgery of that kind was not common those days.Moreover Dr.Udupa was an Ayurvedic Doctor. 

My father also remembered that he had gone to Benares afterwards.

 Padmashri Dr. K.N.Udupa  ( 28th July 1920 - 22nd July  1992 ) was born at Udupi in Karnataka in a renowned family of Sanskrit  scholars. He was educated and trained abroad also and was an FRCS. He started his career from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh and was  later posted at Snowdon Hospital Shimla.In between he had worked at Boston also. 

At Benares ,he was posted as Professor of Surgery in Ayurvedic College of BHU, which later became an Institute under his stewardship. In the ' 50s he had also headed a Committe on the Reform of Education,Practice and Research in Indigenous Systems of Medicine , which came to be known as Udupa Committee.

Dr. Udupa was awarded Padmashri in 1972. After retirement in 1980, he rendered services as a Professor Emeritus.

He died on 22nd July 1992 of Colon cancer.

I bow  in reverence to the outstanding Doctor !!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

किशोर कुमार

 बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी  अभिनेता, पार्श्व गायक, स्टेज आर्टिस्ट, फिल्म निर्माता, निर्देशक किशोर कुमार की आज पुण्यतिथि है । आभास कुमार गांगुली नाम से , खण्डवा , मध्य प्रदेश में एक प्रतिष्ठित बंगाली परिवार में जन्मे किशोर कुमार का फ़िल्मी सफ़र तीन दशक का रहा जिसमें  उनने अभिनय भी किया और गीत भी गाए । स्टेज कार्यक्रमों  के साथ साथ फिल्म निर्देशन और निर्माण में भी सक्रिय रहे ।

फिल्म मुनीम के लिए  गाए गीत के साथ उन्हें शोहरत मिली , हालांकि उस समय , मुहम्मद रफ़ी, मुकेश, तलत महमूद, मन्ना डे, महेंद्र कपूर जैसे दिग्गज गायक भी पार्श्वगायन में सक्रिय और प्रतिष्ठित थे ।

किशोर कुमार ने नयी दिल्ली, हाफ़ टिकट, गंगा की लहरें, प्यार किये जा, हम सब उस्ताद हैं, हंगामा, मनमौजी, मेम साहब, भाई भाई, नौकरी, रंगोली, दिल्ली का ठग, मि. एक्स इन बॉम्बे , आशा, चलती का नाम गाड़ी, में काम किया । चलती का नाम गाड़ी  तो स्व निर्मित फिल्म थी जिसमें अशोक कुमार, किशोर कुमार, अनूप कुमार तीनों भाई दिखायी दिए ।फिल्म हाफ़ टिकट का एक गीत  उनने स्त्री- पुरुष दोनों आवाज़ों में गाया और यह प्रयोग सफल भी रहा   

। एक गायक के रूप में किशोर कुमार के करियर को गति फिल्म आराधना के गीतों से मिली , जिसके बाद वो लोकप्रियता की सीढ़ियां  चढ़ते ही चले गए और फ़िल्मी संगीत में किशोर कुमार युग का पदार्पण हुआ ।किशोर कुमार ने आराधना, अमर प्रेम, कटी पतंग, आप की क़सम, अनुरोध , मुक़द्दर का सिकंदर, शहंशाह, मि. इंडिया, शराबी, सागर, फंटूश, नौ दो ग्यारह, शोले, खुश्बू, आंधी, जूली, मिली, परिचय, अभिमान, अंदाज़ और अन्य कई फिल्मों के लिए यादगार गीत गाये ।आशा भोसले के साथ गाये उनके गीत बहुत सफल रहे ।

हिन्दी फिल्मों के संगीत इतिहास में yodelling करने वाले पहले गायक बने ।

उन्हें आठ बार सर्वश्रेष्ठ पार्श्व गायक का पुरस्कार मिला ।

उल्लेखनीय है और विडम्बना भी कि उनके बड़े भाई  अभिनेता अशोक कुमार का जन्मदिन  13 अक्टूबर  को  पड़ता है । किशोर कुमार की मृत्यु के बाद अशोक   कुमार ने अपना जन्मदिन कभी नहीं मनाया ।

महान कलाकार को हमारी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !!

अशोक कुमार

 लगभग छः दशकों  तक अपने अनूठे अभिनय कौशल के बल पर लाखों करोड़ों सिनेमा प्रेमियों के दिलों पर राज करने वाले दादा  मनी के नाम से विख्यात अभिनेता अशोक कुमार - वास्तविक नाम कुमुद लाल गांगुली- की आज जयंती है । उन्हें यदि हिन्दी सिनेमा का प्रथम सुपर स्टार भी कहा जाए तो कोई अतिशयोक्ति न होगी ।देविका रानी के साथ अपनी पहली फिल्म 'अछूत कन्या'  से ही अपनी प्रतिभा का लोहा  मनवाते हुए अशोक कुमार ने कभी पीछे मुड़ कर नहीं देखा और एक से एक  हिट फिल्में 

हिन्दी सिनेमा को दीं ।

उनके द्वारा अभिनीत फिल्मों में जन्मभूमि, इज़्ज़त, सावित्री, वचन, कंगन, बंधन, आज़ाद, झूला, किस्मत, साजन, संग्राम, महल , समाधि, बंदिनी, परिणीता, भाई भाई , चलती का नाम गाड़ी, हावड़ा ब्रिज,आशीर्वाद, विक्टोरिया नं.203 व  इन्तक़ाम ।

पद्म भूषण एवं दादा साहेब फाल्के पुरस्कार से सम्मानित महान अभिनेता को हमारी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Wood Craft

 Time and again I travel back to my School days for we learnt  there much more besides the proverbial 3 Rs. We had a subject called Craft , which was basically a wood craft where we learnt the basics  . In smaller classes we were made familiar with the Fretsaw used to cut plywood with. The Fretsaw was a thin sleek U shaped instrument , of which the loose ends had knob and screw to fix the two ends of a thin delicate blade. The Fretsaw cost anything between ₹2 & ₹3.The blade would cost 5p or 10p. We were required to make cut out of pictures fixed on the plywood, which also required a technique . 2-3 blades had to be kept at a time because being delicate, they broke easily as continued running through plywood would heat them up . Sooner than later we learnt the trick. We would give the saw rest rather frequently. A 5p blade would last through 3 or even 4 medium sized cut outs.The plywood was arranged from known shopkeeper who had these as an emptied packing material. We made cut outs of the pictures of leaders and religious entities.  With a piece of wood fixed at the bottom backside, these would serve as decoration on mantelpiece or a table.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

हिन्दी दिवस

 यह पोस्ट स्कूल के मेरे हिन्दी अध्यापकों को समर्पित है ।

मेरी शिक्षा शिमला के लेडी इरविन स्कूल से आरंभ हुई जो मूल रूप से कन्या विद्यालय था और लड़के  चौथी कक्षा तक ही  मान्य थे । इन चार वर्षों  अलग अलग कक्षाओं मेँ  एक ही अध्यापिका  जिसे क्लास टीचर कहते थे,सुबह से शाम तक पूरा दिन हर विषय पढ़ाती थी । बाद मे आगे की पढ़ाई के लिए पाँचवीं कक्षा में जब एस॰ डी॰ स्कूल में प्रवेश लिया तो  पाया कि हर विषय के लिए  अलग अध्यापक  उपलब्ध है । मेरे कक्षा प्रभारी ज्ञानी बलकार सिंह थे जो पंजाबी भाषा के अध्यापक थे ।मेरे  प्रथम हिन्दी अध्यापक श्री उद्धवानंद थे जिनके मार्गदर्शन में मैंने कलम से लिखना सीखा । पाँचवीं कक्षा में मेरे प्रवेश लेने के 3-4 महीने बाद ये हिन्दी अध्यापक नौकरी छोड़ कर  अन्यत्र चले गए और अस्थायी प्रबंध के तौर पर लगभग डेढ़- दो महीने हिन्दी का पठन पाठन एक प्रयोगशाला सहायक के हवाले रहा, परिणामस्वरूप कोई पढ़ाई न हुई । इसके बाद एक युवा अध्यापक श्री चमनलाल गुप्त हिन्दी अध्यापक के रूप में आए ।थोड़े ही समय में गुप्त जी ने पढ़ाने  की अपनी नैसर्गिक प्रतिभा का परिचय दिया और पढ़ाने के अतिरिक्त वाद- विवाद व भाषण प्रतियोगिताओं के लिए  छात्रों को तैयार करने में भी भरपूर योगदान दिया । मूल रूप से हिन्दी विषय के अध्यापक होते हुए उनने हमें अंग्रेज़ी और सामाजिक अध्ययन भी कुशलता से पढ़ाए । स्कूल में पढ़ाते हुए इनने स्नातक, बी॰एड॰ और एम॰ए॰(हिन्दी) की परीक्षाएं पास की। बाद का सफर तय करते हुए विश्व विद्यालय में पढ़ाते हुए शिक्षा क्षेत्र में उपलब्धियां प्राप्त कीं  और आज भी किसी न किसी रूप में सक्रिय हैं ।

श्री भवानन्द भास्कर बड़ी कक्षाओं के हिन्दी अध्यापक थे । बहुत अच्छा पढ़ाते थे और उनका सैन्स ऑफ ह्यूमर कमाल का था । हँसाने के साथ साथ उनकी बातों में छात्रों के लिए शिक्षा के प्रति गंभीर रहने का संदेश निहित होता था और भविष्य के लिए चेतावनी भी । कक्षा में यदि कोई छात्र ध्यान नहीं देता था तो उसके लिए मूर्ख ज्ञानी जैसा सम्बोधन भी  उनके शब्दकोश में था ।

तीनों भाषाओं यथा हिन्दी, पंजाबी और अंग्रेज़ी के हमें उत्कृष्ट अध्यापक मिले,परिणामस्वरूप भाषाओं में मुझे विशेष रुचि रही ।

अपने अध्यापकों के प्रति मेरा साभार नमन !!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Shimla Musings

आज अपने स्कूल के एक अन्य अध्यापक महोदय की याद आ रही है , जिनका नाम नराता राम था । उम्र से काफी बुज़ुर्ग थे पर चुस्त दुरुस्त । संजौली में रहते थे और लक्कड़ बाजार तक आना जाना साइकिल पर  होता था । विद्यार्थियों को सख्त हिदायत थी कि ऐसे समय उन्हें अभिवादन न करें , शायद एक बार ध्यान बंटने पर दुर्घटना होते होते बची । घनी मूंछे और टोपी उनकी विशेष पहचान थी । छोटी कक्षाओं को गणित,  सामाजिक अध्ययन पढ़ाते थे। गणित के ऐसे ऐसे फार्मूले उनके पास थे जो  किताबों में कहीं ढूंढ कर नहीं मिलते थे । पढ़ाने का ढंग बहुत अच्छा था । दोनों विषयों पर पकड़ अद्भुत थी । चाहे  इतिहास  में जलालुद्दीन अकबर हो या भूगोल  में  मरुस्थल कालाहारी, विस्तृत जानकारी मिल जाती  थी ।रौब  पूरा था , अनुशासन हीनता बर्दाश्त न थी । गुस्सा आने पर 'हराम खोरो'  उनका तकिया क़लाम था । एक बार शनिवार को क्लास छोड़ते समय उनके मुंह से निकल गया 'ज़िन्दगी रही तो फिर मिलेंगे' . मेरा रविवार का दिन भी इसी पसोपेश में गुज़रा कि कहीं कुछ हो न जाए । सोमवार को जब सब सामान्य पाया तो मन को  शांति मिली ।

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Shimla Musings

 There   have been nostalgic posts from friends on Facebook about the harsh snowy winters in Shimla with attendant hardships and the  Lion face shaped  public hydrants  that apart from being a  dependable public utility were also a marvel of technology.  This post covers both aspects.

Till   beginning of August, 1964 we lived in  a literally shady area above the circular road with only a little sunshine. As a result water pipes got frozen in winter posing great difficulty.

One such winter, the water pipe got frozen and water had to be brought from the  lion faced public hydrant below AG office which was at a walkable distance. While my father would  carry full sized two buckets in the morning and in the evening after coming from Office, we kids supplemented the effort by  volunteering to carry water in small Dalda cans and milk buckets. My elder sister ventured to carry a bucket . As we were coming back  after filling our containers, just at a place from where the descent starts, a tall sanyasi type gentleman ,perhaps in late fifties clad in white long kurta and dhoti , with  shoulder length hair smilingly took the took the bucket from my sister and carried it up to the bifurcation to the  path that lead to our residence. We could only bow in respect to him . 

Compare this in with today's pontificating , sermonizing god men  living in 7 star luxury .

The incident is etched deep in memory and is fresh  after more than  half a century .

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Teachers Day Musings

 It feels good to recollect that I too had been  a teacher albeit for only a few months. The year was 1975. I called it quits after completing Post Graduation in English , though I was advised to do M. Phil. by  some well-wishers. Somehow teaching did not attract me. 

A friend who came to know that the Shimla Public College aka  Jain Academy, situated below Kali Bari Temple and  adjoining SBI Shimla  needed an English teacher, asked me to have a try. The next day I went there. The owner- cum-  Head didn't ask me for certificates even and told me to start teaching from the next day. I was to take classes from Xth  to B.A. final  , there being eight periods of 30 minute duration each. It was  an all girl institution . The real challenge was to teach Class X. Somehow I started  teaching and came to like it. I had to make necessary preparations every day ,   so as not having to cut a sorry figure in the class. I taught text books, grammar and composition as per the requirements of syllabus I can say I taught well  as there was good response from the students and the Head, Dr. Jain also seemed quite satisfied. Whatever I was given as remuneration was enough as pocket money . I taught for one session only as I had to think seriously about a regular non- teaching job which eventually I got. Although for a short time, teaching was a rewarding experience.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


It  was the Summer of 1963 . Being a Sunday,we three siblings aged 4,9, and 11 together with 3-4 other boys of the neighbourhood, made a programme to visit the mini Zoo near Raj Niwas at Chaura  Maidan . Raj Niwas is now the Peterhof  Hotel and mini Zoo is the Bird Sanctuary.  The said was within the walking distance coverable in half an hour or at the most 45 minutes at a very  leisurely pace, so parents granted permission easily. We went there, looked and moved around and enjoyed the sight of caged Tiger, Bear, swimming ducks and other assorted birds. 

This over,someone in the group suggested to go further to Tuti Kandi Zoo that was larger in area and presumably  had  many more animals .

Without giving a  second  thought we headed towards the destination that we had not gone to earlier. The visit , to me appeared not worth as unlike the mini Zoo, this bigger zoo seemed asymmetric and not properly kept or laid out. The only discerning feature was the wired fence all around .It took much time there also and we started back journey. It was about to get dark when we reached home, unmindful of the worry and the torment that we had caused to our parents. I do not know how the parents of  neighbouring took it , but our father had moved out naturally on foot  enquiring and looking for us. Anyways, he came back utterly sad and dejected ,only feeling relieved that we were back. Full of emotions, it took him quite some time to recover his speech. For the first time we saw the emotional side of him. Otherwise he was not given to outward show of emotion or affection although alive to all our legitimate demand. There was no reproach or reprimand as perhaps the parents had seen and gauged the sense of guilt in our eyes. The so called  adventure turned sour.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Corona DAYS

 Hark ye countrymen ! Corona is here to stay and to stay for pretty long ....till future indefinite.. ! I am amused to see an Ad by a reputed brand . They have started making matching masks to go with fancy Gents formal shirts. So mask is going to be a necessary accessory of the outfit you wear.

Some entrance exams are about to start. After all these cannot be kept in abeyance for long. So dear candidates , go for and take the exams, but at your own risk . But before that must get yourself tested and obtain a Certificate to the effect that you are not Corona positive. This is a pre-condition laid down. सवारी सिर्फ सामान की ही नहीं खुद की भी ज़िम्मेदार है !
Good luck all !!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Shimla Musings

 I have written earlier that when I was admitted to Class V in S.D.Higher Secondary School,Shimla , I was awestruck with the presence of all male teachers, who I was given to understand were famous or infamous for thrashing students.I had no worry regarding the studies part as I was confident of pulling on well but my  Waterloo came in the shape of  compulsory writing in ink with a Kalam or a bamboo Reed. I did get punished a few times for this lapse on my part but within a month or so , I took to Kalam and Holder rather easily . It's another matter that my hands, bag and uniform sometimes got smeared with ink.Taking the stick blows on palm or a slap on the face were the most common types of  thrashing one would get but there were some teachers with idiosyncrasies in this respect also. There was one Mr. P.C.Sood who would slap the face with the sweep of full arm and was the most dreaded and feared teacher of all. There were some who took a lenient view with regard to studies but would not brook indiscipline and punished the students for that only.

There was one Mr. Jindal who would get peeved whenever a student in some context said हम. The student would get beaten badly with the retort from  the said teacher " तुम कोई  राजे महाराजे हो जो खुद को हम कहते हो !". Otherwise he was an excellent teacher quite liberal with giving ' Very Good'  for neatly done homework. Another teacher Sh. Amarnath Shastri, who taught Sanskrit and Dharam Shiksha did not carry a stick but would strike the back of the hand with the blunt side of the pencil , which was no less painful. Another teacher Vijay Rana or Raina , a science teacher would pinch hard on the sides of the underarms. There came a rash and brash PTI who would slap and thrash students in the morning Assembly itself on small pretexts but once had tables turned upon him when a student held rightly and strongly his raised arm from the wrist. I need not go into further details but the PTI got mellowed after the incident .

Over all they were  good teachers always giving their 100% to the job at hand.

My respects and regards to all my teachers !

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 दशकों हिंदी फिल्मों एवं फ़िल्मी गीतों को अपने कर्णप्रिय,मधुर, यादगार संगीत से सजाने वाले महान संगीतकार मोहम्मद जहूर खैय्याम हाशमी उर्फ़ खैय्याम की आज पुण्य तिथि है। सर्व प्रथम संगीतकार द्वय शर्माजी- वर्मा जी के शर्मा जी के नाम से 1948 की फिल्म 'हीर राँझा' से संगीत की शुरुआत करने वाले खैय्याम ने 1953 की फिल्म फुटपाथ से खैय्याम के नाम से संगीत देना शुरू किया । उनके द्वारा जिन फिल्मों में संगीत रचना की गयी, उनमें फिर सुबह होगी, लालारुख, बारूद, शोला और शबनम, शगुन, आखिरी खत, संकल्प, कभी कभी, त्रिशूल , खानदान, नूरी, थोड़ी सी बेवफाई, चंबल की क़सम, नाखुदा, दर्द, आहिस्ता आहिस्ता , बाजार, उमराव जान, रज़िया सुल्तान, परबत के उस पार आदि हैं । तीन बार फ़िल्मफ़ेअर अवार्ड से सम्मानित होने वाले खैय्याम को संगीत नाटक अकादमी पुरस्कार और पद्म भूषण से भी नवाज़ा गया । गत वर्ष आज के दिन इनका निधन हुआ !

महान संगीतकार को हमारी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि !!
Image may contain: 1 person, close-up



 Corona besides making all other horrible changes in our daily lives has added the trouble of sanitizing all things bought and brought from outside and of washing the vegetables etc before they find room in the kitchen shelves. I have not moved out from my home even before the Corona threat started so I have to order many things of urgent need online. Anticipating the need for a new mobile charger, I ordered one . It arrived and was delivered to me. The lady of the house वहम की मारी, the way she is, tore open the outer package, and placed the packet on a chair kept outside to expose it to the Sun for some time. Now monkeys are frequent visitors ,so I did keep watch for some time but smug in the belief that monkeys would not touch something uneatable, I became busy with other things. After two hours or so my wife saw the torn packet on one side of the lawn. The packet contained the plug only and plug was missing.Much against my otherwise cool and calm temperament , I gave a bit of my mind to her for indulging in so much fuss about Corona etc. Thinking that the monkey might have thrown the cable to the neighbour's courtyard , my asked a lady living nearby to look for the same. It was not an easy task to look for and find a black color bundled up cable in grass and I had lost all hope of retrieval. But miraculously, the lady found it and handed over. Both of us thanked the lady profusely.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Shimla Musings

 The journey  so far on the page of this group has been quite pleasant and rewarding.On a personal note, I must say that many hidden  facts about my  hometown Shimla, where I  am residing even today have become known to me, thanks to some very knowledgeable members of this group. It is sheer pleasure to go through some nostalgic accounts posted by some members who have lived in Shimla for long and short durations. That shows they must be missing out on certain things which are or were peculiar to Shimla only. Coming sometimes to Shimla from Kinnaur where I served for more than eight years in two spells , always filled me with joy whenever I reached the fenced portion on the left side of the road a few meters short of Dhali.Similarly  coming back from Delhi etc,  has had  me in raptures with the ascending journey that starts from Parwanoo upwards. Not the least rewarding has been the coming across of childhood friends, I grew up with, some Seniors in School , I looked upon as ideals for a number of reasons. Some juniors in school and college who went places and are  leading  happy retired lives , and some others who did not know me but were familiar to me.

There is plenty of writing and photographic talent visible among the members of this group.

Thanks again to the worthy Admin(s) of the group for bringing the whole lot together on this common forum !

Friday, August 7, 2020

Shimla Musings

 Thanks to the Remote Sensing  technique and devices available, we  now have near accurate weather predictions days in advance with sufficient time to prepare for and mitigate the disaster caused by storms and cyclones  by taking necessary precautionary measures. This was not so in the ' 50s, '60s and ' 70s when we grew up. 

The rains were quite unpredictable . Leaving umbrella at home while going to school on a Sunny morning had us caught unawares when it rained heavily  at the time of our returning home. That meant waiting for the rain to subside if not stop altogether. Similarly perforce  we had  to carry  Umbrella if it was raining in the morning and the same umbrella would appear to be an unnecessary burden if it was not raining at the time of returning home.

The same thing happened on a Saturday when I was in school. The school hours had ended early and it was Sunny . I stopped by at Ram Bazar near bifurcation  to the Ripon  Hospital ( now Deen Dayal Upadhyay  Hospital) to tie up loosened show laces . I hung up the umbrella on the railing. After tying the laces, I moved on. As I reached the Command complex, I realised that I had left my umbrella behind. I rushed back to the place and much to my relief found the umbrella there. The umbrella  cost Rs.6 or Rs.7 , quite an amount  at that time. I was afraid  of the scoldings I would get if I had lost the umbrella.

Thursday, August 6, 2020


It is already four months and a half since the first lockdown happened in the last week of March. Contrary to the popular saying, much water has accumulated every where not in the ordinary sense of rain water causing flood like situation and water logging  at many places, which is for everyone to see and lament about, but also in the  daily increasing number of Covid infected persons, with no respite in view . The casualty number almost touching forty thousand is alarming enough per se. This brings to the point the fact that your life is precious for you and your next of kin  and for others whether alive or dead you are a damn figure .
I for one think that I must live through the Corona crisis ,  not for my own sake that for my wife and kids, if not otherwise willed. I feel like a museum piece of some value to be preserved. 
No festivity, celebration has a buoying effect and seems rather transitory under the shadow of Corona .
How long will this last is nobody's guess !!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Sad Incident

In the aftermath of  Indo- China war of 1962, there was a spurt of patriotic fervour, with the entire country stood united as  this was the need of the hour in those crucial times. Poets and lyricists penned patriotic poems and songs to instil patriotic feelings at the same time preaching unity.There were liberal contributions to the National Defence Fund in cash and kind. The Government on their part had documentaries made which were shown far and wide across the country.
A senior officer of the Publicity department, GOI, who lived in the neighbourhood arranged to show the documentaries twice or thrice in the locality. The projector operator , a jovial , good natured  young  man endeared himself to all . The documentaries featured songs like Watan ki abroo khatre mein hai .....&  Aawaaz do Hum Ek Hain .
After some days the team accompanied by the officer made a tour to the tribal area. We were told the name of the place Chini. Though Kinnaur district had been formed in 1960, the name had not got so much known and the present day Kalpa was known as Chini . 
The tour ended on a sad note as the team returned sans the operator. The operators had died , only his clothes were found near the river side. It is not known whether he had committed suicide or had an accidental fall into the river. The sad news sent shock waves in the locality. I faintly remember his face and appearance as this happened  57 years back.
The memory makes me sad even today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Corona or Covid 19 has  affected our lives in more ways than one . Generally it is the fear psychosis of one kind or the other that has taken in its grip all of us .
A visit to the barber to have a hair cut seems to me a thing of the past for obvious reasons. I donot bother about this as length of the hair hardly seems to matter due to the thin growth. Of course I shave daily as the prospect of growing a  grey beard around the face simply  puts me off. I try my best to live in my comfort zone but the lady of the house hardly digests this. Her sneers and jeers at my unkempt hair sometimes become too much to bear. It's another matter that  even if I wanted to ,she  wouldn't let me go out for a hair cut . At the same time she dare not  give  me a haircut with the scissors so fondly bought by her. But she must dye my hair periodically to feel better. The dark dyed hair hardly match with the furrowed face with crow feet forming on the outer  corners of the eyes.The fresh dyed hair do instil  a sense of well being only for a few days, after which the coming up new growth forms a hair band like silver ring around , that increases in width day by day. I envy the people, some of my friends included, who carry the silver gracefully on their head, not lacking in elegance.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


I have mentioned earlier also that  S.D. Higher Secondary School, Ganj Bazar , Shimla was  my alma mater for seven years. Most of the time our way back home was  by the side of St. Thomas's School , a Girls' School .
Once I  got issued a Hindi book of folk tales  from the School library . The title of the book was दक्षिण की मीरा or perhaps this was the title of one of the stories. Reaching home, when I opened the bag , the book was missing .The book had slipped out of my bag. This left me high and dry as this was the height of unintended negligence. This was not so much  about the cost of the book or the fine that I would have to pay , but about the fact  a library book changes so many hands and so many students derive pleasure  or benefit as the case may be. I had time to face the consequences. The  next day I told my friends especially Bharat Bhushan who used to accompany me half way through , as his residence was in another direction.
After 2-3 days , Bharat Bhushan, the said friend was too glad to hand over the lost  book, much to my relief . It so transpired that while coming to the school, he saw a girl from St. Thomas reading the book  and talking about it with another girl accompanying her. A word or two falling in the ear of my friend made him cautious and with a rare presence of mind he asked the girl to return the book. The well meaning girl had no reason to refuse when the library stamp on the book confirmed the claim. The book had slipped out of my bag and fallen into right hands.
Miracles , big or small do happen !

Thursday, July 16, 2020


With the cumulative figure of Corona inflicted persons in India, touching One Million mark, it is now clear that the dynamics of Corona Virus evades and defies all explanations. In the beginning we had a 21 day complete lockdown in the hope that this would break the chain of infection. Subsequent lockdowns resulted in the slowdown of economic activity resulting in tangible losses at the micro and macro level. We also saw the tablighi jamaat issue being blown out of proportion and hyped by the Media. Then there was the issue of migrant labourers forced by circumstances to return to their homes covering hundreds of kilometres on foot and en route being subjected to hunger, thirst and police atrocities.They were also projected as potential carriers of viral infection far and wide. All these projections and fears seem unfounded. The emergence of Dharavi in Mumbai with a high population density as a hotspot raised alarm, quite understandably . As of now, Dharavi has got over the crisis rather miraculously though serious government efforts were made.
Strangely for days and months now, there is no press conference on the issue by the concerned Ministry and other concerned Institutions and organisations of the Government . Seems we have accepted Corona as a way of life. However it is amply clear that we are ill equipped to handle the situation once it gets out of control. There are news of a vaccine having been developed in Russia and UK but how long it will take to make the vaccine available for public use is not yet known.
I- why me ?
Corona- why not !
Stay home ; stay safe !!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Anil Biswas

Today is the birth anniversary of Anil Biswas, the noted playback singer and Composer of Indian Cinema.He was born this day in 1914 in undivided Bengal of British India. Active for three decades between 1935 - 1965, Anil Biswas is credited with  introducing 12 piece orchestra in film music . He also introduced western symphonic music and folk music . He gave break to noted playback singers Mukesh and Talat Mahmood in film Pehli Nazar and Arzoo respectively. He married actress Ashalata- maiden name Mehrunissa- and had three sons and a daughter from the marriage.He composed music  for about ninety films and gave some wonderful melodies.
His filmograhy includes films like Jagirdar, Kokila, Watan,Ek Hi Raasta, Pooja,Aurat, Alibaba, Behan,Kismet, Jwar Bhata, Bhookh, Anokha Pyar,Arzoo, Tarana, Aaram, Pardesi, Char Dil Char Rahen, Angulimaal and Chhoti Chhoti  Baaten . He was a recipient of Sangeet Natak Academy Award .
He died on 31 May 2003 aged 88.
Our humble tributes to the great Composer !

Saturday, June 27, 2020


With the Corona cases crossing  five Lakh and the death toll exceeding fifteen thousand, the scene in India is alarming as we may see a further hike in number of fresh cases coming to light in the coming days due to increase in the  daily quantum of tests  being conducted.The comparison of high or low figures of incidence being deceptive leaves little reason for complacency.
The media focus on Delhi and Maharashtra concentrating on high figures of  incidence and mortality  suggests some bias as they are losing sight of or deliberately underplaying the fact of the test conducted / being conducted  per million of population state wise.A just and proper conparison is likely to present  a different picture from the one being projected now. When some reasonable voices talked about accelerating the pace of tests the same were  scoffed at and were not given the attention they deserved . In between till now we have seen the issues of tablighi Jamaat, and exodus of migrant labourers rushing to their homes in very compelling circumstances. Now we see the return of labourers to various  places to resume work after lifting of blockdown.There is no immediate remedy in sight , the WHO also talking about the development of a vaccine not before a year.
For a long time to come there is going to be no respite from taking precautions like mask wearing and  physical distancing. Worst hit are also the students, e -classes and online teaching proving but a poor and not a viable alternative. The resumption of economic activities may provide some solace in terms of employment. The resumption of  normal life  for all  seems a distant dream !

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


As I type this holding my cell phone in my right hand  and  tap my left hand finger on the  keyboard, the thought amuses me. If  I were to write the text on paper, I would do so with my right hand. So what I am, a  lefty or a  'righty'?
In Cricket jargon  I am a right- handed batsman but a left - handed bowler.
I am told ninety percent  of people are right- handed, which is considered the norm. The remaining ten percent are left- handed or lefty which is an aberration . I choose not to use the somewhat harsh sounding 'abnormal'.
There's in built tendency to be right handed or left handed depending on which side of the brain is more active. It is widely believed that right - handed people have more active left side of the brain and converse applies to the  left handed people. I call those parents and teachers naïve who force their kids  to  use right hand for writing and eating , quite ignorant of the  medico- scientific reason behind. It is also an established fact that left- handed people are intelligent, creative geniuses , no less than the others. 
However they are disadvantaged as regards the use of some appliances that seem specifically made for the right handed people. For example the domestic sewing machine. Another disadvantage came to my notice  during my University days where I found seminar chairs  in class room fixed with mini tables on the right side. My left handed friends had to keep extra chair on the left to be able to place  note book    on the table and to write. 
The term 'left handed  compliment' smacks of a built-in bias.  On the ideological side, left and right  represent diametrically opposite views but more of that  later !

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


It needs no rocket science to know and conclude that we are a highly indisciplined lot. The Government in its 'wisdom' decided to loosen the grip of lockdown  and unlocked many a place to enable people to resume economic activity to save the country from a further economic disaster. It didn't mean that everything was fine or that   Corona had lost its teeth. To the contrary the per day addition of cases at  ten thousand or thereabouts  has become alarming . The projection that Delhi alone might account for 5.50 lakh cases towards July end, not to speak of the escalation country wide  is really worrisome.How are we going to cope up with this should be the concern of everyone. Admitted we have a large number of Corona Warriors who have risen to the occasion to face and fight the menace head on, some of them have lost their life also because of the all time attendant risk. This does not need to overemphasize that we are  miserably short of equipment of every kind  that is required, in addition to the manpower which of course we seem to have in abundance.
In the wake of the present scenario, we could at least take minimum necessary precautions in our own interest and of others around. There were reports of a Restaurant serving customers inside , while only taking away eatables is allowed. When the authorities went to stop them, the customers started protesting .
Similar is the case with non observance of social distancing. In some places this might be difficult but could be best avoided at many places. There was a picture of  men sitting huddled on benches, like in  ordinary times albeit with masks on, while the dogs were lying asleep maintaining the 'desired 'distance. Not a sign of educated and
informed  persons, we claim to be.
Lastly, small courtesies like  going in hordes to congratulate someone and to offer good wishes  on assuming office  better be  kept for normal times .

Corona is there and can not be wished  away. Even local visits to near and dear ones are a big No. This is going to be pretty  long  before we can expect visits from kids who are working hundreds of miles away. Corona has forced us to have a superhuman or subhuman existence in Aristotle's term.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


These last few days saw the country wide  protests in the US, over the brutal killing of  George Floyd , a 46 year old black  America by Police, the culprit being one Derek Chauvin, the Police Officer who asphyxiated the victim by kneeling over him when he was handcuffed and lying down. ' I can't breathe. ..' were the last words Floyd was able to speak. The killing triggered protests and the protesters  closed in on the White House, forcing President Trump to withdraw into a bunker.The protests are continuing. Most touching was  the picture of a number of protesters , all white, prostrating on the ground holding their breath for nine minutes , literally empathising with the victim.  It was ironical to have such a killing happen in the US that raises hue and cry over alleged violation of human rights elsewhere. However the worldwide protests do hold some hope for humanity . How the law deals with Derek Chauvin will be something to wait for and watch in the coming days.
Back home, the killing of an innocent pregnant elephant at Mallipuram in Kerala  saw country wide protests . It transpires that the elephant strayed into a village and ate a cracker filled  pineapple  . Suffering in silence and
partly submerging into a pool of water, to seek some relief , the 15 year old  elephant died after 3-4 days.
As expected, Ms. Maneka Gandhi , a BJP leader and an Animal rights activist waxed eloquent  on the matter . She came in for severe criticism for showing  concern for the  elephant and not uttering a word on the plight of migrant labourers heading home on foot and suffering hunger, thirst and  some of them even dying on the way.
All said , no parallel can be drawn over the two sad incidents except that both speak of our cruelty and insensitivity as a people. Close on the heels of the elephant episode is a similar incident in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh of a Cow getting injured by eating some cracker filled stuff. How come people have come to use such insidious and invidious ways of killing animals that harm their crops.

In all a sad commentary on the humans losing humanity and acting inhumanly !!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Corona DAYS

कॉरोना जो कराए वो कम है, और जो न कराए वो भी कम है ! The invisible Virus has made its presence felt any time, any where so much so that every one has become circumspect about the presence of the other. The safety mantra is to think that  every stranger you see or come across is a Corona victim and a potential carrier. Leading a retired life, I can afford to sit smug at home, not encountering many mask wearing persons. Somehow, I have become used to the daily visit of milk vendor and the garbage collector.

The other day, I had some problem with the Net connection of my Computer and unwittingly made a  complaint online telephonically. The signals having improved considerably, I am able to do net surfing on mobile but for some purposes, I need to work on computer.
The BSNL man rang up and asked about the problem . Avoiding  home visit for understandably good reason he suggested some  possible remedies but  none worked. I did not  press him much but he came and joined the broken wire and restored the. connection. I thanked him and he left. But  a storm was waiting. After a short while, the lady of the house had finished her pooja and came out. I became the subject of her ire and she took remand saying why I had to call someone and couldn't I put up with a little inconvenience  ! I could see the concern behind this tirade, as I being of age expressly reported to be vulnerable and susceptible, could bring trouble on me and resultantly on her also. It took me a while to pacify her .
How excessive concern can sometimes become cumbersome !!

Sunday, May 31, 2020


We are almost done with 4th lockdown and tomorrow we enter 5th lockdown, euphemistically called Unlock - 1. These last two months plus or  9 weeks of continuous lockdown with some relaxation  periodically allowed in various ways . Not  to mention the indescribable plight of 'unwanted 'guest labourers  seeking to return home in absence of employment  and money to sustain, the overall picture has been only dismal. The growing unemployment and  literally squeezed job market, halt to industrial activity have played havoc with Economy and resulted in a jolt to the common people.
The medical and paramedical  personnel, the safai karamcharis, and Police have gone an extra mile to discharge their assigned duties, some misgivings notwithstanding . Kudos to them and also to  NGOs, Gurudwara Committees, Film personalities like Salman Khan , Aamir Khan , and Sonu Sood , extending all possible help to the poor people in different ways.  Amid the alarming daily increase in the number of people found infected with the Virus, some satisfaction can be derived from  the number of people getting cured  daily and the less rate of mortality.
The realisation has at last dawned that continuous lockdown is not the solution and economic activity has to resume  slowly.The student community is no less badly affected. Studies have suffered and examination schedule has been disturbed. The alternative resorted to in the shape of e -classes and online teaching is not viable nor is this a substitute to regular  classroom teaching.
The period of hand holding is over . From  school students, we have graduated to being College/ University students, expected to look after ourselves and know what is good for us and what is not. In short discipline is the keyword, be it distancing or mask wearing or exercising other precautions for our own safety and of others.

Friday, May 22, 2020



These days everything I try to put into words has to be Corona centric. Permit me to tweak Nana Patekar's  line like this ' ek Virus saala poori duniya to pangu bana deta hai........' !
Yes that is the scenario none of my generation has seen before.  The Virus has proved an equalizer and a leveler only to the extent that every one who has to move out has to cover mouth and  nose with a mask as a safeguard lest some droplets of the Virus enter the body system with alarming consequences. Never before did any stranger appear a  'potential carrier' who could infect you. And if you have come home from abroad or some other part of the country, there is  period of 
14 days to 28 days of  obligatory  quarantine prescribed. Only  after coming out of this, you are welcome home. 
The harrowing pictures of the migrant labour returning home on foot and facing all types of odds along the way beggar all description. Only the heart less wouldn't feel something churning and burning within. The threat of worsening  unemployment situation looms large. In normal times, the poorest of the poor were managing themselves somehow but now they are in dire need of immediate help in cash and kind. The petty politics being played and the arrogance of those who matter is not going to help. Rather it adds to the woes of the worst hit .Parties and leaders are busy in  blame game and mud slinging.  The new normal has to be accepted.
There are conflicting notes of hope and despair floating in the air. The shrieking and shouting TV anchors  exude no hope . 
The super cyclone Amphan has brought havoc on West Bengal and Odisha with loss of precious human lives, not to talk of the damage and destruction of public/ private property and infrastructure. It may take a long time for the situation to come back to normal. 
For the time being a layman's advice to my fellow beings is to shed egotism and arrogance , if some of it is still left .
We are all equally helpless before Nature's might !

Tuesday, May 19, 2020



We are into the second day of  4th blockdown and into the 56 th day of continuous lockdown since the last week of March. The onset of  dreaded Corona pandemic has made us revisit words like quarantine ,  lockdown , social(sic)  physical distancing.
Coming to the etymology of the word ' quarantine' , it is derived from the Italian word 'quarantena' meaning 'forty days' , the period required to keep the passengers on board coming from the plague infected places, on  the ship itself to save others from getting infected. Prior to this the period was thirty days and was called ' trentino' at present day Croatia, when an epidemic broke out in the 14th century.
We shall  complete 68 days of lockdown on 31st of May with little respite.
There are news of scientists working day and night on developing a vaccine to cure Covid 19. Hit and trial are going side by side to cure people testing positive. While there is daily increase in number of people getting infected , there is also the positive and encouraging  increasing percentage of persons getting cured and being discharged from hospitals. There are some attempts to resume economic activity albeit limited &  restricted, understandably so. Medical, paramedical staff, Police and staff looking after cleaning and mopping are working day and night and deserve all praise. The NGOs, other organizations, and some Individuals are acting as good Samaritans to help needy people with cooked food and  other necessary items.The Government at the Centre and in the States are well aware of their own limitations in tiding over and dealing with the crisis. This is not the time for power play and one-upmanship . Help should be asked for and accepted from every quarter that is offering or is prepared to offer the same , without ascribing motives and designs. Humanitarian aspect should  take precedence over all other considerations. The Media is busy at its usual game of deifying and demonizing  though also doing some good work in patches. We need to think and act positive in these critical times. Corona is there to stay with no remedy in sight so far !

Friday, May 15, 2020

Nazir Hussain

Today is the birth anniversary of Nazir Hussain , an Actor, Director & Screenwriter of Hindi Cinema.Born this day in 1922 in the United Provinces of British India, Nazir Hussain in the beginning worked in Railways Department, stepping into the shoes of his father. Later during the Second World War, he joined the British Indian Army and was sent to Malaysia and Singapore. He was taken a prison of war there . On release, he joined the Indian National Army of Netaji  Subhash Chandra Bose. He enjoyed the status of a Freedom Fighter and was given a free Railway Pass for life.
After the INA, he started acting in plays.B. N.Sircar of New Theatres Calcutta asked him to come to Calcutta, where he met Bimal Roy and became his assistant. He made his first movie Pehla Aadmi based on the INA, of which he wrote the story , co- wrote the dialogues and also acted in.With his recognition came his way and he became a permanent fixture in Bimal Roy movies.He went on to work in Do Beegha Zameen,  Devdas and Naya Daur. The 1955 movie Munimji was his first movie with Dev Anand as the lead actor.He wrote screenplay and dialogues of this movie. Later he was associated with Paying Guest and Main Sundar Hoon.
Nazir Hussain made the first Bhojpuri film Ganga Maiyya Tohe Piyari Chadhaibo and also produced  Hamaar Sansar.Later he also made Balam Pardesi in the '70s.
Nazir Hussain acted in about 500 films and appeared in character roles.His filmograhy includes films like Parineeta,Jeevan Jyoti,New Delhi, Inspector,Musafir, Yahudi, Parwarish, Kala Pani, Raat Ka Rahi, Main Nashe Mein Hoon, Kanhaiya,Insaan Jaag Utha, Parakh, Bombay Ka Babu, Aas Ka Panchhi, Anuradha,Chhaya, Ganga Jamna, Dr.Vidya, Rangoli,Sahib Biwi Aur Ghulam, Asli Naqli , Dil Hi Toh Hai,Humrahi, Ayi Milan Ki Bela,Kashmir Ki Kali,Leader,Shagun, Ganga Ki Lehrein, Arzoo, Mere Sanam, Bhoot Bangla,Jewel Thief, Ram Aur Shyam, Hare Kaanch Ki Chooriyaan, Aankhen, Baazi, Chirag,Prem Pujari, Geet, Kati Patang  , Mere Jiwan Saathi and many many others.
He died on 16th October, 1987, aged 65.
Our humble tributes to the wonderful Actor and a multi talented film personality !

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Yesterday, the lady of the house decided to go to the Mall / Lower Bazar  to get some medicines and other items which are not available in the suburban market that caters to the place we live in . Mall/ Lower Bazar is five kilometer or thereabout from our place , though a straight walk but not a small distance to cover on foot. The taxi operator whom  I normally engage to move about when asked, told me to go for an e- pass online . Since this required the submission of  scanned picture of Aadhaar Card of the driver and the passenger along with the Registration number of Vehicle and the mention of places to be visited or travelled to, I did not consider this option . It was decided that she would go on foot  and on return would be picked up by her brother from near the DC Office and he would drop her home.
Off she went on foot in the afternoon , made the necessary purchases  and came back as per the plan. There is Police almost at everywhere to check violations and to help people. Waiting or sitting  at the shelter near CTO is not allowed, to keep safe.
She had a bath on return . The assortment of purchases included a  pair  of scissors to facilitate a haircut at home. I know that the scissors are not of the required type but  something is better than nothing.  I am apprehensive of an offer from her to do me the honours of a haircut, which I may not be able to resist or counter , literally commandeered as I feel as officially being of age vulnerable to Corona. There is no escape from this over protective environment.
Like it or not , when scissors have come, can a haircut be far behind !!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I have previously written that I am a stay-at- home type and lockdown hardly makes wee bit difference to my daily routine. The truth remains ,taken at the face value  yet with some difference.
The third lockdown is about to end on 17th May and in all likelihood we are in for a  fourth one albeit with some variations in the shape of some restrictions being lifted, where the prevailing conditions so permit. Though this is in the best interest of public as a safety measure in view of the increasing number of people testing positive and making the position worrisome and alarming. On the other side is the resultant loss of jobs for a large chunk of  working population, engaged in some kind of employment. We have already seen the plight of migrant labourers desperate to rush home covering hundreds of kilometers on foot  under most unavoidable miserable circumstances. Not that help has not come their way, but the same has fallen far short  of requirement besides the good intentions of persons and organisations that matter.
Some activities have been allowed to resume but  they may take pretty long  to be put on rails.
On a micro, personal and individual level there is difference between willingly staying at home and being  forced by circumstances to stay at home. We are bound by societal and familial obligations like visiting near and dear ones locally or otherwise to lend emotional support or to strengthen ties.
All this is  being done through phone calls on day to day basis.
Things can have some semblance of   normalcy, only on restoration of public transport which may appear to early to expect in the given circumstances . With overall decline of growth in all sectors, the coming times are not going to be easy  at all. My worry is for the entire young and working generation.
I find it difficult to share the optimism of the poet Robert Browning who wrote ," God is in His heaven and all's right with the world ."

Sunday, May 10, 2020

कोई अजनबी नहीं / शैलेश मटियानी

अभी हाल में अपने चहेते जनवादी लेखक- साहित्यकार शैलेश मटियानी का लघु उपन्यास ‘ कोई अजनबी नहीं’ पढ़ने का सुयोग हुआ ।एक ग्रामीण महिला रामप्यारी को केंद्र में रख कर लिखा गया यह उपन्यास मटियानी की चिर परिचित शैली में है। रामप्यारी का विवाह गाव में ही एक युवक सतपाल सिंह, जिसे छोटे मास्टर जी कहा गया है, के साथ होता है पर सतपाल सिंह राम प्यारी की लम्बी क़दकाठी के आगे खुद को बौना पा कर हीनग्रंथि का शिकार है परिणाम स्वरूप विवाह टूट जाता है । गाव वालों की प्रश्नवाचक दृष्टि , जो इस वास्तविकता से अंजान हैं या अंजान रहना चाहते हैं,और अकेली महिला के प्रति पुरुष समाज की आम व्याप्त भावना , रामप्यारी के लिए असहनीय हो जाती है और वह अजनबियत की तलाश में पहले गाँव से क़स्बा और कस्बे से महानगर दिल्ली पहुँच जाती है । उमर हुसैन तांगेवाला जो अपना नाम उमराव सिंह बता कर उसे गाँव से ले आता है कि उसे किसी साहब ये यहाँ नौकर रखवा देगा , और चौधरी मातादीन जो उसे अपने साथ ले जाता है पर उससे यह उम्मीद पाले हुए है कि वह उसके साथ साथ उसके कुछ साथियों के लिए भी उपलब्ध रहे, उसके इस विश्वास या शंका को ही बल देते हैं कि गाँव हो या क़स्बा या फिर महानगर, पुरुष की मानसिकता एक जगह एक सी है और वो अकेली महिला को केवल ‘उपलब्ध’ मान कर चलते हैं ।पर रामप्यारी अपनी अस्मिता पर आंच नहीं आने देती और अपना भविष्य तलाशने निकाल चलती है । किन्ही स्कूटर वाले सरदार जी और एक खोमचेवाले के उसकी ओर इंगित कटाक्ष और वक्रोक्ति सहन करती करती वह खुद को एक निर्माण स्थल पर पाती है , जहां एक वृद्ध महिला मिसेज कपूर के पुत्र और वधु का मकान बन रहा है । उसके अनुनय पर मिसेज कपूर उसे बतौर मजदूर रख लेती है और अपनी मजबूत क़द काठी कि वजह से वह ईंटे उठाने का काम बख़ूबी करती है । एक बुजुर्ग महिला रत्तों ताई उसे अपने यहाँ आश्रय देती है और कुछ दिनों बाद उसके सामने तीन तीन झुग्गियों के मालिक हरभजन चौधरी के साथ रहने का प्रस्ताव रखती है जिसकी एक पत्नी पहले ही स्वर्ग सिधार चुकी है और दूसरी बिंदो चौधरानी तीन बच्चों को संभाले हुए उसके साथ रहती है ।एक तरह से वह बिंदो चौधरानी की सौत ही हुई पर इस तरह की कोई भावना उसके मन में नहीं है और वह चौधरी और चौधरानी दोनों की अनुपस्थिति में बच्चों का पूरा पूरा ध्यान रखती है । स्त्रीत्व और ममत्व दोनों भावनाएँ उसके भीतर पुनर्जीवित होती प्रतीत होती हैं। अतीत, वर्तमान और भविष्य के तिराहे पर खड़ी राम प्यारी अब भी कुछ अनिश्चितता और दुविधा की स्थिति में लगती है ।उपन्यास का अन्तिम वाक्य‘हो सकता है कि.....’ उसकी दुविधा को परिभाषित करता है ।
शैलेश मटियानी के उपन्यास अन्य गम्भीर साहित्य की परम्परा में हैं और शुरू में ही रुचि नहीं जगाते पर ज्यों ज्यों कथ्य आगे बढ़ता है , रुचि भी बढ़ती है और चिंतन भी ।इस उपन्यास ‘कँटीले के पत्तों’ एक्स्प्रेशन बार बार आया है शायद उपमा को सशक्त बनाने के लिए । कुछ पाठकों को एक आध वाक्य की भाषा या शब्दों पर भी आपत्ति हो सकती पर जिस पृष्ठभूमि के लोगों का वर्णन इस उपन्यास मे है, इससे यथार्थपूर्ण चित्रण को और मज़बूती मिलती है ।

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

कॉरोना काल में शिमला का मॉल रोड

एक भूतपूर्व मॉल रोड  प्रेमी होने के नाते आजकल के  कॉरोना दौर में  मेरे  मस्तिष्क में कुछ विचार आना लाज़मी है । मसलन मॉल  रोड तफरीह की या एक  छोर से दूसरे छोर और वापिस, इस  तरह घूमने की जगह नहीं , सिर्फ बीच से गुजरने की जगह  है ।
एक तरफ़ा आमदरफ्त के चलते सामने से आता कोई चेहरा नज़र आने वाला नहीं ।सब एक ही दिशा में जाते दिखेंगे । दाएं बाएं ताक झाँक की जुर्रत भी न करें क्योंकि  guide- cum- guardian की भूमिका में पुलिस हर वक़्त  विराजमान है । वैसे भी आज कल चेहरा देखने दिखाने के लिए नहीं, छुपाने के लिए है । वक़्त का तकाज़ा कुछ ऐसा ही है । हाथ जेब में नहीं बल्कि carry bag उठाये हुए हों ताकि ऐसा लगे आप तफरीह के लिए  नहीं, बल्कि कुछ ज़रूरी खरीदारी करने निकले हैं । आप लोअर बाजार की अनदेखी नहीं कर सकते , आपको वहाँ से हो कर गुज़रना ही है  । भूल जाइए कि कोई नव विवाहित  खूबसूरत जोड़े या फैशन परस्त पर्यटक आपको नज़र आने वाले हैं । किसी से हाथ न मिलाना और सामाजिक दूरी बनाए रखना तो समयानुकूल आवश्यकता है ही । ऐसे में विख्यात हिंदी साहित्यकार स्व. कृष्ण बलदेव  वैद का हिंदी साहित्य पत्रिका विपाशा में बरसों पूर्व मॉल रोड के विषय में छपा संक्षिप्त किन्तु मनोवैज्ञानिक  अंतर्दृष्टि वाला लेख याद आ रहा है ।
आज वो मॉल रोड पर आते तो क्या लिखते !

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Rishi Kapoor & Irrfan

This gone week saw the  shocking and sad demise in quick succession ,of  Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor , the two very popular and talented actors of Indian Cinema. Both had had stunning film career . While Rishi Kapoor restricted himself to Bollywood, Irrfan had forays into  Western ventures, with success. Before Irrfan, among male actors, Om Puri , Shashi Kapoor, and Syed Jafri  had registered their presence in  Western Cinema . The late I.S.Johar had also appeared in Lawrence of Arabia . 
While Rishi Kapoor happened to be a third generation film actor from the iconic Kapoor clan and had acting in his genes, Irrfan khan was from a Non- film background. Frankly speaking I didn't get to see much of their acting. It was a chance and unplanned  watching of  Rishi Kapoor- Ranjeeta starrer  Laila Majnu, 7-10 show at the Ritz, Shimla in 1976. The next I saw Rishi Kapoor was in Amar Akbar Anthony . Rishi enchanted in both .
Irrfan Khan I saw first of all in a TV serial, in which Vanya Joshi also acted. I am forgetting the name of the serial. Irrfan's large expressive eyes, subdued voice and nuanced acting impressed me in that serial also. He was also seen in the TV serial Chandrakanta. His iconic movie Pan Singh Tomar invited wide acclaim. Post death, TV channels threw much light on their real and reel life both. Irrfan Khan being younger had much of acting left in him unutilized but destiny had ordained otherwise.
The Indian Film industry has lost two of the most lovable talents .
Humble tributes to both !

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Satyajit Ray

Today, is the 99th birth anniversary of  Satyajit Ray, the eminent film director, producer, film critic, music composer - in short a highly talented  & multi faceted   personality .The legend that he was,  the list of his achievements is pretty long. He was a doyen of Bengali cinema  and a world class film director. Honoured and felicitated at many national and international forums, the awards that he received would make anyone sit up in  wonderment.
He was a recipient of Padma Bhushan, Bharat Ratna and the Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award.

Our humble tributes to the legend !

Friday, May 1, 2020


We are through 38 days of lockdown and still there is little hope of an early respite from Corona. Corona Warriors of all types are doing a wonderful job risking their own lives and some of them losing out to save others. No one had imagined such disastrous situation would  prevail and persist the world over. One had seen doctors and other medical staff wearing masks while conducting surgeries or treating  some communicable diseases but now wearing masks seems the new normal even for a common citizen,  if there is need to move out for making essential purchases or doing other unavoidable chores.The plight of poor people is all too evident as apart from health hazards common to all, they face unemployment which makes keeping body and soul together difficult. The welfare of kins living at distant places for job purposes is the overriding concern. There's forced sitting before the TV screen to obtain updates on the Corona menace . After a long time, if there's some escape from this situation, things are not going to remain the same. There may be some positive outcome in the form of clear sky, air and environment , but all this is coming for a heavy price. Watching distant hills from plains can only be a momentary and short duration pleasure.